Along with the entire Maine congressional delegation, the Governor, the State Legislature, and hundreds of Maine businesses, I have been working for years now to convince lawmakers on Capitol Hill to approve of a truck weight exemption for the remainder of Maine’s Interstate System. It has been a challenge, but I think a recent hearing that I secured on the issue has helped it move forward. On July 9th, I joined fellow Highways and Transit Subcommittee members in holding a hearing on truck weight and length. Maine Department of Transportation Commissioner David Cole testified before the subcommittee on behalf of the State of Maine’s request to exempt the remainder of its Interstate System from federal truck weights so that it is consistent with state weight limits. Among other things, this change would help move trucks off the state’s secondary roads and onto the Interstate System.
During his testimony, Commissioner Cole highlighted the important benefits of a truck weight exemption for the remainder of Maine’s Interstate: 1) it will allow industries in Maine to be more competitive; 2) it will save on fuel, which is important given high diesel prices; 3) it will help reduce pollution because it will reduce truck miles traveled; 4) and most importantly, it will promote safety for Mainers.
I couldn’t agree more. Under current law, essentially all of Maine’s Interstate, except the Turnpike in southern Maine, is subject to the nationwide federal truck weight limit of 80,000 pounds. But Maine’s truck weight limit is 100,000 pounds. This is the mismatch.
This hearing was very positive for the issue and I hope that it helps pave the way for a solution.