Community Notebook

16 years ago

TOPS  233, Houlton
by Lois Downing

Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, July 25 meeting.
   Joyce Estey, leader, was present. Barbara Troy was the official greeter and will continue through August.
Seventeen TOPS and five KOPS were in attendance. We all gave our pledges and names. Leila Cole with her charge Matthew Bouchard were visitors and were welcomed.
We sang “Happy Birthday” to Vicki Little. Vicki told us that Anita Nason’s husband is gravely ill at an out-of-town hospital. We all signed a get-well card for him.
Loser of the week was Joanne Scott with runner-up Vicki Little.
The exercises that Barbara Troy usually leads us was cancelled because of our guest speaker, Janice Cote, area captain. Janice led us in exercises, moving to music, using the rubber bands that so many use. She showed us some new exercises and almost participated.
Janice answered questions that pertaining to TOPS and KOPS. She had a question and answer period before the exercises about calories and walking. Walking is the best exercise one can perform.
Denise Kinney, contest person, explained the “Straw Hat’’ contest, starting next Friday, August 1. To enter one must pay one dollar.
The mystery gift was given to Barbara Grant, Joan Simpson won the skinny dish and Vicki Little took home the 50/50 drawing.
If you want more information on the chapter, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.
We meet every Friday at the same location; weigh-in is at 8-8:45 a.m. with the meeting starting at 9 and ending about 10 o’clock.
Come and enjoy and take off weight.

Happy Losers
by Lois Downing

The Happy Losers meeting was held July 23rd at the Congregational Church vestry.
We had thirteen members weigh-in and twelve attended our meeting.
Dotty Rand was our person who lost the most weight for week, and runners-up was Riva Hawkes and Mary Shaw.
Our secretary and treasure gave their reports for the week.
Jane Fitzgerald led the program for the week.She gave us fifteen questions. With very interesting answers.Meetings are always interesting.
Please feel welcome to our wonderful group of women. We meet every Wed. 7:30am to 8:45am for weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information.

Red Hat Society
by Barbara Grant

Sixteen members of the Border Belles and four guests enjoyed a BBQ of hot dogs and “burgers”  on July 17th at the residence of Lois & Roger Morin.  Everyone brought a dish to share and the food was abundant and yummy.  As usual, Roger indulged us by doing the cooking which left us to enjoy our favorite pastime of yakking it up and entertaining.
It was suggested at a previous gathering that it would be fun to elaborate on our “favorite fad” of years ago.  As a result,  a number of the Border Belles provided us with an entertaining segment.
Priscilla Monroe wore a Black Highlander Ladies kilt that was complimented with the accenting  extra large safety pin that was so in fashion at the time.  Remember those? Her pin was special because it was actually the “crib pin” that her mother had used to secure the baby blanket in the crib when Priscilla was a baby.  Her mother had it gold plated and presented it to Priscilla to adorn her kilt.  Priscilla also toted the very versatile “Burmuda Clutch” with wooden handles and several of the detachable coverings to change the color scheme of the clutch.  Needless to say, Priscilla walked away with the $10 cash award for the best presentation.
Honorable mention went to Lois Morin and Barbara Grant who provided us with memories of the “fabulous fifties” via their display boards filled with green stamp books, 45 records, fluffy dice that held a place of honor hanging from the rear view mirror of a 57 Chevy, pictures of James Dean, Marilyn Monroe,  soda fountain ice cream and appropriately dated music in the background.  Lois rolled up her jeans and strutted an oversized white shirt and “poodle” cut hairdo. As  a result many others joined in with their favorite fad as the memories began flooding back and fun was had by all.
We sang Happy Birthday and presented cards for July to Jean Wiley, Pat Chase, Lillian Gibson, and Lynn Tweedie.
The following monthly prizes were won by Marge Melvin, a friendship candle; Barbara Foster, a ceramic basket with lotion and shampoo; guest Pammie won a magnetic note pad and Victoria (granddaughter of Priscilla) won a porcelain Red Hat eyeglass holder which was donated by hostess Lois Morin.

Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing

What a wonderful Sunday this is—nice and cool and some sun. Our weather is unpredictable, but isn’t everybody’s! The old saying is “If you want a change in the Maine weather, just wait a minute,” still holds for us!
Visiting Marion Hogan recently were Tim and Bonnie Hogan with Kaitlin and Isaac of Rochester, N.H. Tim is Marion’s youngest son. Also visiting at another time was Al Hogan, the eldest son, of Vanceboro with his grandsons of Boston, MA, Aiden and Xavier.
Arriving Friday, July 25, to help her mother, Althea Lloyd celebrate her 90th birthday were Filena McKenney of Westbrook with her daughter, Wendy Pesee of Windham. Althea will be 90 on August 3 and Filena and Wendy will stay several days. They even brought the birthday cake!
Carol Blake of Gorham, daughter of Jennie McCarthy, a friend who lived here several years on the second floor, is in the community. Carol will make her way to see most of you, friends of her mother, when the time is right for her. We had a  conversation at the band concert on Thursday.
Dianna Faulkner on the third floor has been entertaining some of her granddaughters this week. Two were here on Sunday and others were here throughout the week.
Dropped into the new store on North Street, “Toot Sweet,” bakery and chocolate shoppe, the other day. As of July 24 they were taking orders for lunches made to order. Each day they have bread, rolls and cinnamon rolls freshly made. They also have party and cake supplies. There are choices of drinks, sodas and teas. Many salads and dessert are on sale too. If you like homemade food, try “Toot Sweet,” with free delivery too.
Talked to Brian Henderson on the phone the other day. He is our righthand man here and husband of Charlene, our liasion. Brian is taking his daily walk and had his checkup in Bangor recently after his bypass surgery. Good for you, Brian.
The recycling center toll free line is 1-800-253-2687. We are told that some of our televisions will be outdated soon and this is the number to call if you fit this category.
Bill from New York, brother of Lavina Byron, Norma Bates and Gerry Dunn is back. He recently returned for his vacation with his sisters. Bill shared the same birthday as mine, July 19, and turned 77. Happy belated birthday, Bill.
Donna Burns on Friday recently had her family visit. The list includes Tess Buswell of Houlton, Janice Greim of Auburn, niece Sara Eaton of Topsham, great-nieces Alexa Eaton and Rachel Eaton of Topsham, niece Laura McGuire of Westerville, Ohio, great-nephew Jonathan McGuire of Westerville, Ohio, and Jay Murray of Westerville, Ohio, also Brandon McGuire of Houlton. They all had a great time, took some pictures and ate at Pizza Hut.
The tornado in New Hampshire last week was near my sister’s community. She said it was like rubble after the storm. One woman was caring for her grandson; the grandson was saved but the grandmother was not. Luckily the grandfather survived too. The storms recently have been close to home.
My thought for the day is taken from Ezra 8:22—…”The hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek him; but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him.”

Sherman Area Senior Citizen Club news
The Sherman Area Senior Citizen Club composed of folks from Benedicta, Stacyville and Guilford Ridge, met at the Sherman gym Wednesday at noon on July 16, for potluck lunch and listened to new member Janet Baiardi explain the organic way to raise healthier garden produce for our consumption and hoping to arouse our interest in organizing a place to market it. Would anyone reading this offer any feedback?
We discussed making plans for the fall trip outing to be the subject of the next meeting, which will occur on August 6.
Present were: Fred and Annie Atkinson, Fred and Sylvia Lilley, Dean and Frances McKenney, Liniea Perry, Bonita Staples, Donna Grass, Sam Guiggey, Eva Perry, RSVP rep. Gini Garrett and Janet Baiardi/new member.