A state of Maine Silver Star Honorable Service Medal presentation will highlight the grand opening of the Department of Veterans Affairs Clinic at Houlton Regional Hospital today at noon.
Department of Veterans’ Affairs officials and local veterans’ organization leaders will be on hand to recognize the following World War II Prisoners of War: Cpl. Gilbert A. Chaisson of Houlton, Army POW in Germany; and Pvt. Gilbert C. Murphy of Houlton, Army POW in Germany (deceased).
The following WW II and Vietnam veterans who were wounded and were awarded a Purple Heart will also be honored: SM Terrence O. Anderson of Cary, Navy WW II Italy; PFC Kenneth L. Blake of Houlton, Army WW II Manila; SP5 George E. Clements of Island Falls, Army Vietnam; SP4 Gary A. Crandall of Oakfield, Army Vietnam; SGT Paul E. Homchuck of Haynesville, Marine Vietnam; and GT Edward M. Lake of Houton, Marine Vietnam.
Those who can not attend ceremony but will be recognized include: PFC George H. Dubay of Houlton, Army WW II Europe; S/Sgt Everett E. Dunphy of Island Falls, Army WW II Europe; T/4 Frank G. Gillis of Danforth, Army WW II Europe; SP4 Bernard L. Jordan of Houlton, Army Vietnam; SP4 Peter E. Main of Crystal, Army Vietnam; PFC Lester R. Thompson of Houlton, Army Vietnam; SGT Austin G. Durgin of Orient, Army POW Japan (deceased); PFC Lawrence E. McCarthy of Houlton, Army POW Germany (deceased); and S1/c Chester K. Nickerson of Monticello, Navy POW Japan (deceased).
This event is open to the public. For more information, please contact Peter Ogden, Maine Veterans’ Services at 626-4464.