To the editor:
Are we (the people of America) too stupid or so blind to see that we are being taking into bankruptcy by the oil companies and our government? We pride ourselves that common sense will prevail. I have one question I would like to ask. Why do we sell 200 to 300 million barrels of gas and oil each day to other countries? I hear cries of drill, drill, from the right. My thought is that those that make this need are working for big oil companies, this includes the powerful in our government.
The people of America are pawns in the hand of this lying administration. They, the big oil companies and this administration running our people’s government, knew exactly what they were doing.
Stop and think for one second about how far behind this administration has put our country this past seven years. Our constitution has been shredded. His magistracy the president now runs America. The laws of America are being changed and the three separate bodies of our government are now ruled by one. The administration condones torture of human beings. The most powerful in government allowed the transfer of the middle class and its wealth to big business and the wealthiest in our society and allowed other countries to buy and take over our America.
Yes we are being conned to believe that we should return to the serf and landlord era of the 10th thru the 16th century.
Am I wrong? My heart hurts for my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Please, God, make our America right again.