Students should be thanked, not ignored

16 years ago

To the editor:
    I can't believe people are sticking up for Kristen Albair. It's sad that the viewpoints of our young people don't mean a whole lot. It's no wonder why more students don't come forward about "off beat" comments or inappropriate behavior. I'm sure if these comments were made to Douglas Christensen and other members of this community's sons and daughters it would be a different story. These comments upset a lot of students in school. I am thankful and proud of the young adults that have come forward against this teacher.     I want to give a big thank you to Mr. Jones, the principal of CHS.; the students who stuck up for themselves; and the school board for making the right, difficult decision.
    Next, about the school board, I believe they didn't want all of the complaints about Kristen to come out ion the paper. I'm sure they felt no other choice in the matter. Take a step in their shoes; it's hard to be mocked and ridiculed by the public.
    Let it be known, these are young adults. It's wrong to say to them "suck it up." We need to stick by these young adults and say "kudos." If the people of Caribou don't like what the board did, then don't vote for them. Some people don't have that right to vote for the board so we have to trust their decision, which I do.

Pam Knoll
Connor Twp.