Island Falls area news: from summer visitors to Katahdin Club event

Riva Hawkes, Special to The County
16 years ago

Ted and Terry Pettengill have recently hosted a reunion of Pettengill cousins at their home in Patten, with brother Eric and wife, Mary, who live in Gorham, as co-hosts.
    Cousins attending were Carletta (Pettengill) Nevers and husband, Gary, from New Hampshire; Gary Pettengill and wife, Janet, from Pennsylvania; Jean Pettengill Hamlin and husband Paul of Presque Isle; and brother, Herbert Pettengill, from Massachusetts, arrived by boat from their camp on Mattawamkeag Lake along with the Hamlins’ sons, Eric and wife, Taylor; and Mark with wife, Valerie and their two daughters, Rachel and Emily. Also coming by boat from their camp on the lake was cousin, Alan Chamberlain, wife, Paula and Paula’s mother, Mrs. Pauline Robbins.
A wonderful afternoon was enjoyed by all these cousins and the families who were at the camps all arrived safely back before dark.
On Sept. 10 the Island Falls Katahdin Club held its first meeting of the year at Leithea Porter’s camp on Mattawamkeag Lake, with Verna MacArthur as co-hostess. Table grace was given by Verna before the luncheon was served by the hostesses.
Following the luncheon President Laura Bomba called the meeting to order with the club collect and the Pledge of Allegiance. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted and the meeting turned over to special guest, Jerolyn Ireland, who gave a most interesting talk on food safety facts.
Members present were, Lee Brewer, Paige Coville, Gladys Ferguson, Clara Hathaway, Mary Joy, Doris Lynch, Gayleen Leavitt, Verna MacArthur, Mary Moore, Leithea Porter, Edna Schmidt, Dorothy Williams, Laura Bomba, Gloria and Nora Willigar and guests, Helena Porter and Jerolyn Ireland.
While doing some late mowing the other day discovered that the pesky little skunks have been at it again,,digging up all over the place, So out I went with my trusty hole filler and spent quite awhile filling in the holes again. Mosquitos were pretty awful, too, but bet we won’t see any next month when the temperature drops.
My flower garden out front has lovely big yellow marigolds and also cosmos that really look great and that I hesitate to pick them. Its nice just to lookat them and enjoy. Sure have a lot of gold finch and sparrows around my feeder and have watched them fight one another for a place at the feeder. They are quite a feisty lot.
The other morning it was quite foggy and while doing the dishes saw three deer come across my front door and I spied the movement through the fog. They walked over to the apple tree near the end of my driveway to eat some of the apple drops there. Stayed there quite awhile before they heard something they didn’t like, then, poof, they were gone into the woods. So far, I have three fawns and two doe who arrive frequently to graze in my back yard.