To the editor:
I am writing this in response to the Sept. 17 letter to the editor entitled, “Beware of Sarah Palin.” The author of this article blamed Palin for numerous offenses to include the inhumane treatment of sled dogs and wolves in Alaska. The author ended the article by saying that the animals of our country could not afford the mistake of our voting for McCain and Palin.
I would like to say that I appreciate her concern for life … I don’t like to see animals suffer or treated inhumanely either. But, it would seem that she might be implying that it would be better to vote for Barack Obama. My question is, how could anyone who claims to honor life vote for someone like Obama? There are 3,600 American babies that are murdered each day in the name of abortion and Barack Obama is one of its biggest supporters.
In his speech to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund in 2007, Mr. Obama promised “… the first thing I’d do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act.” The Freedom of Choice Act would make partial birth abortions legal again, require taxpayer funding of abortion and invalidate other state and federal limitations on abortions such as parental notification laws.
Barack Obama has a voting record in favor of abortion on demand. On three different occasions Mr. Obama had the chance to support legislation to ensure that babies born as a result of “live birth abortions” could have the same legal rights as other babies regardless of the stage of development. But each time he refused to vote in favor of providing them that protection.
What I’m saying isn’t just accusations as in the article about Palin. Mr. Obama has been quoted on his position concerning abortion and his voting record speaks for itself. We cannot afford the mistake of voting for Barack Obama.
Pam Baer
New Limerick