Frost Library events

16 years ago

    The Robert A. Frost Memorial Library in Limestone will be holding its’ Annual Book Sale, sponsored by the Friends of the Library, Monday through Friday, Sept. 29 — Oct. 3, from 12 noon to 4 p.m.
    For more information call  325-4706. Donations are accepted.


Contributed photo
    The Robert A. Frost Memorial Library in Limestone recently held its seventh Annual Walk-a-thon. The event, a joint effort by the Friends of the Library and the Library Expansion Committee,  saw 38 walkers raising $1,700 for the library’s expansion project. The facility began sponsoring the annual event in 2002, and it has continued to grow every year. Door prizes were awarded to the participants and refreshments were served. The County Federal Credit Union was once again the main sponsor of the walk, with their donation used to purchase T-shirts the walkers earned by collecting pledges. Directors of the expansion project, committee members and the library staff wish to thank everyone who walked or pledge during this year’s event.

   The Robert A. Frost Memorial Library in Limestone will be holding its’ annual “Creepy Coloring Contest” October 6 — 24 for children pre-school age and up.
    Coloring entries will be divided into four division with a winner  to be selected in each one. Prizes will be awarded during the “Spooky Story Hour” on Oct. 29 at 2:30 p.m. at which time costumes are encouraged.
    Those wishing to participate in this event may pick up coloring pages at the library anytime after Oct. 6.  
    All entries must be received back at the library prior to Oct. 24.