McLaughlin receives Legislative Sentiment

16 years ago

    State Rep. Bernard Ayotte recently presented Beulah “Curry” McLaughlin, from the Class of 1929, and the oldest living graduate of Limestone High School, with a Legislative Sentiment on behalf of the Maine Senate and House of Representatives. This sentiment was especially meaningful, as Limestone High School celebrated its 100th anniversary earlier this summer.

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    Beulah McLaughlin, Limestone High School’s oldest living graduate, a member of the Class of 1929,  recently was awarded a Legislative Sentiment from Rep. Bernard Ayotte, From left are: Lloyd, Lorraine and R.H. McLaughlin, Brenda Curry, Beulah McLaughlin, Rep. Bernard Ayotte and Avis Contafio.


    McLaughlin was born in 1911 in Limestone, where she and her husband, the late George McLaughlin, raised four children. Known as  a very hard working individual and a wonderful mother, McLaughlin currently resides in Mt. Vernon with one of her daughters.
    Members of the senate and house of representatives joined in congratulating McLaughlin and her family.