Students for Marissa

16 years ago

ImageSTUDENTS FOR MARISSA — The Houlton junior high student council raised $1,000 by sponsoring a dance for grades six through eight on Oct. 17. The money was raised to help their fellow classmate Marissa, who is undergoing treatment for ovarian cancer in Portland. Kevin and Julie DeMaere volunteered their time to DJ the dance and faculty team members volunteered their time to chaperone, which helped the student council immensely. If anyone wishes to contribute to the Marissa Fund please call principal, Marty Bouchard at 532-6551. Student council members are from left: Micah McCarthy, Ryan Tribou, Mallory Clayton, Brianne Britton, D.J.McGary, Morgan Ross, Jonathan Tuttle, Chenise Tingley, and Tessa Lilley.