Cold hearts at TAMC/Horizons

16 years ago

To the editor:
    The management at TAMC/Horizons Medical Services have turned their backs on patients with legitimate chronic pain issues.
    Until recently, these patients had been treated with narcotic pain medications by physicians at Horizons/Ashland. Then, late November a new physician was hired there who refuses to help these patients in the same manner as the previous physicians. No referrals to another physician were given.     I wrote to the Patient Advocate, the Manager of Physician Services and, the President/CEO of TAMC and addressed this issue with them without any satisfactory results. These patients are experiencing horrible withdrawal symptoms because of TAMC’s refusal to help them find another physician. Not even a detox program was offered. They have literally left these patients out in the cold.
    Everyone is aware of the illegal use and distribution of narcotic pain medications.
    However, these are patients who have a documented, long history of chronic pain issues. Narcotic pain medications are the most effective drugs available to reduce pain and allow people to work and function in everyday life at home. Without these medications, the quality of life has diminished significantly.

Ron Harris