THE PRESQUE ISLE MIDDLE SCHOOL JAZZ BAND performed at the State House Feb. 5. The band traveled to Augusta the day before and stayed overnight in a hotel.
The students started the day’s session of the House of Representatives under the State House rotunda with a 30-minute concert, which included such songs as “Smoke on the Water” and “We Will Rock You.” They performed the National Anthem, as well. While at the State House, the students got to meet Gov. John E. Baldacci, who visited with them and answered their questions for about 20 minutes. They also toured the Maine State Museum. Posing for a photo with the governor are, front row, from left: Chris Carroll, Adam Cyr, Logan Craig, Brian Fournier, Joel Tewksbury, Rachel Scott and Anna Cannon. Middle row: Pat Bragdon, band director; Rep. Mike Willette (D-Presque Isle), Corey Belanger, Olivia Goulet, Rachel Hobbs, Gov. John E. Baldacci, Chris Marquis, Josh Gordon, Brandon LeBlanc, Kyle Goupille, Brenden Goulet and John Freeman. Back row: Zach Dube, Angela Hallowell, Bradley Shields, Austin Albert, Blake Winslow, Caleb Hobbs, Alyssa Summerson, Alanna Orcutt, Gabe Player and Commissioner of Agriculture Seth Bradstreet.
Photo courtesy of Julie Goupille