Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing
The big news here is the recent snow, new snow, snow, snow! We have lots of it, a foot of it, I’d say.
Hello, to Dianne Faulkner, a former tenant here. We miss you. I saw Sonny Muncey the other day. He used to live here a while back. He’s a tenant at Madigan now.
Lenten season is upon us, with the start of Ash Wednesday. Happy Lent.
Did you know that we have an angel here? She shovels and cleans off the cars. Thank you, nice angel.
Janice McCarthy, a recent birthday celebrant had a party in the community room on Monday. She had tenants and family to help her celebrate and a big cake she shared with everyone. Happy Birthday to Janice.
Althea Lloyd’s daughter was here over the weekend visiting her mother, a patient at Houlton Regional Hospital. Hope you are better, Althea.
Thought for the day, “Yes, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” (Isaiah 64:8.)
Here’s one that’s been around a bit and came up recently. A woman slapped her husband on the side of the head. He asked what that was for. She told him it was for the paper with Marylou on it in his pocket. He said Marylou was the horse he was betting on.
She said, “Your horse phoned last night!”
See you next week.
TOPS #ME 233, Houlton
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Feb. 27 meeting. Joyce Estey was in attendance with Elinor Harvey as greeter.
There were 20 ladies present; four of these were KOPS. We said pledges and then had roll call. Brenda Lacostic read the weight recorder’s record and Lois Downing the minutes. The loser of the week was Brenda Lacostic. Barbara Troy led us in 10 minutes of exercises. Brenda Lacostic won the mystery gift and the skinny dish was held over.
Walking papers were distributed with each walker marking her mileage. We have walked 949 miles on our way to see Betty Ivey’s daughter.
Joyce read a letter from the local Salvation Army stating they were pleased with our donations at Christmas time. There were 809 toys distributed and heating and food donations were given to families.
Joyce talked on meat and potatoes for men as their meals are centered around them. They eat these before vegetables. Sausage is loaded with fat; beef is cancer linked; lamb is recommended to be eaten once a week; pork is lean, but not as lean as chicken; chicken is low in fat. Men should cut down on salt, eat lots of vegetables, limit sugary products and alcohol.
At our next meeting March 6, we will elect new officers. We urge all to be present for this election. The meeting starts at 9 a.m. after the weigh-in at 8-8:45 a.m.
If you need more information, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.
Everyone is welcome.
Island Falls
By Riva Hawkes
On December 5, residents of Woodland Heights held their annual Christmas party at the rec room there. Everyone made something for the dinner including turkey, dressing and gravy cooked by Sheila Smith. There were several pies, lots of veggies and rolls and all this was greatly enjoyed by the residents who attended. Following the meal there was an exchange of gifts and a good time of fellowship.
Attending were: Clifford Gallagher, Terry Dwyer, Lara Hathaway, Edie Dwyer, Sheila Smith, Marjorie Nicholson, Blanche Ryan, Bev Rand, Alice Briggs, Patty Morse, Anna Pelkey and Darrell Glidden.
Sam Sewall has returned home after being away for the better half of two weeks. Seems good to see his house lights on again. Have recently heard that Ginny Mooers, formerly of Island Falls had the misfortune to fall and break a hip. At last report, she was in the hospital and doing fairly well.
While watching my birds one morning lately, I spied a male cardinal on a branch of the cedar tree and watched him fly down to eat some of the seeds on the ground. I haven’t seen him again, but I keep looking. They are hard to spot. All the other birds, big and small are still into the peanut butter and lard mixture I give them.
And where are my deer? I haven’t seen hide nor hair of them in over ten days. Keep watching for hoof prints in the new snow, but so far no luck.