United Methodist Women
The March meeting of the Mars Hill United Methodist Women was held in the church vestry on March 9 with 11 members attending. The vestry was decorated in the St. Patrick’s motif. An Irish blessing was read before the meal. Pizza and cold drinks were served with dessert, made by Clara Hussey, served later. She was helped in serving by Donna Brewer and Joan Boone. After an hour of socializing, the business meeting was called to order by Vice President Donna Brewer. She led in the UMW Purpose Pledge and Prayer. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted as read. There were two thank-you notes received from those who had received donations from the group. There was also a thank-you from the New England UMW for completing the “5-Star Giving” in 2008.
Instead of giving a favorite Bible verse or word, time was spent in telling of members “kind acts of sharing” for the past month.
The food sale at the upcoming Winterfest on Saturday, March 14, will be held at CAHS in the lobby. Food will be left at the church vestry Friday afternoon and will be taken to CAHS in time to open at 6 a.m. on Saturday. The time and place is convenient as the annual St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast will be served in the CAHS cafeteria beginning at 6 a.m.
Members discussed the Easter Lenten Service which will be held at the Mars Hill United Methodist Church on Sunday, April 4, at 4 p.m. Committees were appointed for having tables set up for the meal that will follow the service. Coffee, tea and punch will be provided. Potluck will be provided by those attending from other Methodist churches in the district.
Donna reported her results on finding round tables for the vestry. The members voted to order eight tables at an accepted price.
Discussion was held on the upcoming Northern District UMW meeting to be held at Limestone Methodist Church on April 15. Members going were reminded to bring a bag lunch, a gift for the silent auction and items for the Limestone Food Cupboard.
Frances Banks was scheduled to present the program, but due to illness was unable to attend. Clara Hussey, as co-chair, filled in by reading an article from the Methodist “Response.”
After the benediction, the meeting was adjourned. Those attending were: Donna Brewer, Diane Ketchum, Joan Boone, Cindy Anderson, Winnie Anderson, Joan Walsh, Janice Footer, Becky Jones, Goldie Folsom, Ruth Sylvester and Clara Hussey.
Rotary Club
The Mars Hill Rotary Club met at the Aroostook Health Center on Tuesday, March 10, at 6:30 a.m. Members were informed of a special trip being made by several people from town. Darrell McCrum and Fred Whited, along with a support crew, will participate in an endurance snowmobile race beginning on March 14 in Newfoundland. Check it out at www.cainsquest.com. They are Team 2.
Rotarian Connie Drake spoke to the group about some economic thoughts, as everyone is being affected in one way or another by the economy. She spoke about the FDIC insurance as well as how the prime rate has dropped on loans. She believes that Maine banks are in pretty good shape. The Mars Hill Savings Bank of Maine is part of a bank that is celebrating 175 years in business in 2009.
Students of the Month
In a continuing effort to recognize outstanding student citizenship, the faculty of Central Aroostook Junior-Senior High School has announced that Kennedy Day and Bryan Grant have been selected as the February Students of the Month. They were selected in recognition of their commitment to the pillar of character.
Kennedy is a member of the 7th-grade class and lists social studies, English and reading as her favorite subjects. She is a member of the junior high basketball team, Yearbook Committee, chorus and plans to play softball this spring. Kennedy enjoys sports, swimming and reading. She would like to be a teacher or work at a pharmacy in the future. Kennedy is the daughter of Greg and Sonja Day.
Bryan is a member of the Senior Class and lists English, basic design and economics as his favorite subjects. Bryan enjoys drawing cars and trucks, hunting, four-wheeling, snowmobiling, playing video games, biking, listening to music and collecting die-cast cars. In the future, he would like to obtain his CDL license and move to Wyoming. He is the son of Vickie Grant.
Library happenings
If there is a topic that someone is interested in and would like to have a program on, please contact the library at 429-9625 or Tammy DeLong, trustee, at 425-1007.
The library is interested in offering computer skills programs for community members. Please call the library for information or to sign up for a class.
If your group is looking for a meeting space, the library is also pleased to offer free meeting spaces. Please call the library to reserve a space today.
Knit or crochet on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 – 7:30 at the library. Enjoy each other’s company while you work on your chosen project.
The library is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30 – 5:30 p.m., Wednesday from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. For information, call 429-9625 or go to their Web site: www.wtahansenlibrary.com.
Mars Hill & Blaine Community Club
The Mars Hill & Blaine Community Club meets on the first Monday of each month at the United Methodist Church in Mars Hill. For more information, contact Connie Durost at 429-8193.
Bridgewater Community Club
The Bridgewater Community Club continues to meet on the last Thursday of each month with some exceptions. All are welcome. The March meeting will be at the home of Pat Lenentine on Thursday, March 26, at 7 p.m., when summer activities and events will be discussed. For more information, contact Pat Lenentine at 429-9444.
Bridgewater Creative Crafting
On the first and third Thursdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Civic Community Center in Bridgewater, crafters are encouraged to join together to work on various projects.
Bring your own supplies and projects as you share your knowledge of various crafts. Work together or individually with quilting, knitting, sewing, embroidery, crocheting, scrapbooking, etc. Everyone is welcome! For more information, please contact Chris Finemore at 425-6606 or Melody Goff at 420-4002. Come relax and enjoy yourself as you socialize with other crafters.
Tomi Henderson is the correspondent for Mars Hill, Blaine, Bridgewater and Westfield. She can be reached at 429-9126 or e-mail tomihen@yahoo.com.