Beta Sigma Phi founded 1931

16 years ago

Since its founding in 1931, Beta Sigma Phi has grown to be an international organization. It was created for young women in search of culture and social activity. It gives its members an intimate touch with many lives and many minds. Beta Sigma Phi serves as a precious guard against narrowed friendships. It is an enriching and intensifying inspirational experience in the appreciation and enjoyment of the liberal arts.     From seven members in Abilene, Kansas, Beta Sigma Phi has grown to 185,000 active members in over 8,000 chapters, including chapters of the Nu Phi Mu, Ritual of Jewels, Exemplar and the Exemplar Preceptor Degrees.
In each degree, the members of Beta Sigma Phi experience ever-increasing cultural and social opportunity. Though Beta Sigma Phi is not a service organization, its members also experience the joy of helping others.
Beta Sigma Phi is sponsored by Walter W. Ross & Co., Inc., which acts as its business representative.
Membership in Beta Sigma Phi is composed of young women accepted by the chapter and the international office, who by reason of their cultural interests and ideals of living, can enjoy the advantages offered them by Beta Sigma Phi.
Members, both active and honorary, are admitted into Beta Sigma Phi membership by invitation and initiation by official ritual.
Beta Sigma Phi has an International Endowment Fund. Its establishment came from the realization that in the combined strength of Beta Sigma Phi chapters lay the means of great good to mankind, beyond that already being accomplished in their immediate communities. Projects now receiving contributions from this fund are Cancer Research, Girlstown, U.S.A., Scholarship and Literary Awards-Canada, Polio Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Research, Summer Camp for Crippled and Handicapped and many more.
Upsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi in Caribou has contributed much to the community since its formative days. It has helped further the education of various youngsters through scholarships. It has helped in the organization of the United Fund Drive in the residential area of Caribou. Help and consolation was given to the poor of the community through Christmas baskets, Christmas presents and Thanksgiving baskets. Beta Sigma Phi has, in the past, sponsored delegates to Dirigo Girl’s State, a girl scout troop,and girls to the Girl Scout Jamboree. Aid was given to the local library through the purchase of a set of World Book Encyclopedias, and the girls also gave a helping hand working nights at the library. The USO Club received numerous donations and much volunteer help from sorority. The Opportunity Training Center received money to pay for their year’s milk bill. Members have been hostesses for the Junior Miss Maine Candidates Teas for years. The girls have contributed their time to Cary Memorial Hospital and their service of the gift cart to the patients.
The members are always busy thinking up new ways of earning money for their various service projects to help their community.
Officers of the group in 1967 were: President, Mrs. Daniel Plourde; vice-president, Mrs. Wayne Rideout; secretary, Mrs. Kenneth Pelletier; treasurer, Mrs. Clayton Gagnon; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Shawn O’Donnell; and extension officer, Mrs. Gregory Corrow.