Over 500 young men joined local Jaycees

16 years ago

 ImageImage   The Caribou Jaycees (known also as the Caribou Junior Chamber of Commerce) is a relatively young local service organization. It was chartered with the state of Maine early in 1950 with James Briggs as its first president. The charter membership consists of over 50 names. Since then the club has placed over 15 presidents on its “Past Presidents’ Roll”.     During the last 17 years over 500 young men have joined the local Jaycees by application, or invitation. Some of them have held high honors, both locally for their activities, and state-wide for their participation in the movement. These start with the first president, Jim Briggs, who went on to become a state vice president, as did several other past presidents: Joe Bouchard, Dick Watt, Philip St. Peter, Fred Martin, Kenton Nadeau, and Boyd Tankersley. Joe Bouchard also went on to become state Jaycee president in 1957. Some have been recognized nationally by their outstanding efforts by being given JCI Senatorship. In the entire history of the Caribou Jaycees, only four members have been granted the privilege. They are Joe Bouchard, Dick Watt, Fred Martin and Boyd Tankersley.
    The club is also fortunate to have the State Finals Contest of the Maine’s Junior Miss Pageant, held annually since 1958. Also, the Caribou Jaycees will host the 22nd Annual Maine Jaycees Convention this May, 1968.
    As we continue to grow and go, we earnestly seek new members to learn leadership training. The training our members receive comes from our programs and projects conducted during the course of a year. Some of the programs are used to develop the individual Jaycee; while others are designed to train group organization and learn community affairs on a first-hand level by active participation.
    Any young man from 21 to 36 is cordially invited to join our organization, and come to any regularly scheduled meeting of the Caribou Jaycees.

    Members of Caribou High School’s 1905 baseball team were, in back from left, Ramie LaFleche and Allen Oak. At center are Harry Bowles, James Michaud, Sidney Chandler, Waldo Lowney and Ralph  Roberts. In front are Cyrus Small and Harry Preston.
    Caribou High School Class of 1909
Image    Looking West on Sweden St. Andrew Norell Harness Shop