Washburn District High School recently held their 2009 Winter Sports Awards program at the Camille “Doc” Albert Gymnasium on March 19, at 6:30 p.m.
Receiving awards in girls’ varsity basketball were, from left: Jordan Chandler, Morgan Berube, Rachel Palmer, Rebecca Campbell and Meghan Saucier. Palmer and Campbell were awarded Co-MVP trophies for their contributions to the 2008-2009 season and each team member was presented with a scrapbook of newspaper articles highlighting their accomplishments this year.
Athletic Director Ron Ericson introduced the coaches and thanked the athletes, and staff for efforts during the season.
Cheerleader coach Heather Bragg presented Mikala Bragg with a varsity letter. Pins were presented to Julie Stephenson, Amanda Libby, Breanna Hyde, and Courtney Johnson. Stephenson was awarded a three letter plaque and the Coach’s award.
Girls’ JV coach Josh Blackstone presented certificates to Angelita Hernandez, Marlaina Spooner, Kristi Sperrey, Kelsey Churchill, and Lara Scott. Kelsey Churchill was presented the Coach’s Award. Hernandez was awarded the MVP trophy.
Varsity Girls’ Basketball coach Ron Ericson presented a letter to Lara Scott. Earning pins were Morgan Berube, Felicia Cochran, Meghan Saucier, Sarah Sjoberg, Jordan Chandler Rachel Palmer, Rebecca Campbell Kristi Sperrey, Kelsey Churchill, Angelita Hernandez, Dakota Koch, Amber Reed, Marlaina Spooner, and Owen James.
Chandler, Amber Reed, Cochran, Berube, and Palmer received three year letter plaques.
Campbell and Palmer received certificates for being named to the All-Aroostook team. Saucier was awarded the Coach’s award. Palmer and Campbell were awarded Co-MVP trophies. Berube was presented a picture from the tournament to recognize her contributions to the team in her recovery from injury.
The girls were each presented with a scrapbook of all the newspaper articles from this season. The scrapbook was prepared by Chico Hernandez.
Boys’ JV coach Mike Hartford presented certificates to Kyle McLaughlin, Anthony Viola, Jacob Reed, Garth Kinney, Zach Jackson, Philip Helton, Mason Turner, Chase Chandler, Kyle Huston, Zach Davis, Justin Wing, and Sal Viola.
K. McLaughlin received the Most Improved Award. Davis was presented the Coach’s award. Chandler was recognized as being the team’s MVP.
Varsity boys’ coach Randy Norsworthy presented certificates to Sal Viola, Kyle Huston, and Justin Wing.
Receiving pins were Owen James, manager Hillary Jackson, Evan Sperrey, Alex McIntosh, Nick McIntosh, Justin Howe, Sebastian Viola, Sal Viola, Connor Fitzpatrick, Matt Howe, Chase Chandler, Jordan McLaughlin, Mason Turner, and Jeremiah Sjoberg.
Howe was named the winner of the Most Improved Player. J. McLaughlin was named the winner of the Coach’s award. N. McIntosh received a trophy as the team’s Most Valuable Player and was also recognized for being named to the All-Aroostook team.