Why is Easter special to you?
What do you do on Easter?
Below are Houlton Elementary School students
in Linda Cowperthwaite’s first-grade class
who chose to answer one of the following questions:
Austin Grant
Son of Lisa Cushing
“The Easter Bunny digs all around the house, and leaves stuff like jelly beans.”
Cassidy McGary
Daughter of Dennis and Debbie McGary
“You get to find eggs.”
Jaron Gentle
Son of Travis and
Darcy Gentle
“It’s very special. It’s the favorite day of all. Because the Easter Bunny comes around and gives us candy.”
Joseph Sabatis
Son of Eric Spencer and
Fran Sabatis
“It means you can get presents and gifts from the Easter Bunny.”
Tristan Blake
Son of Jason and
Deanna Blake
“You eat candy. You get eggs filled with candy and paint eggs.”