• Roy Cowan, a young man employed in the building of the new high school, fell from a scaffold 35 feet from the ground Tuesday forenoon. Although unconscious when picked up, it is thought no bones were broken.
• Smith and McDougal are hauling lumber for a new barn 48 feet by 90 feet to be build on their farm two miles from the village.
• Miss Eva Cameron has resumed her position in A.V. Goud’s store after a prolonged vacation spent at her home in Andover, N.B.
• Potatoes are going at $2.15 to $2.25 per barrel — with not many being hauled.
• The Easter Assemblies in Parish hall on Monday and Tuesday evenings were well patronized. Music was furnished by an orchestra comprised of Will McClish, Guy Brooks, Harry Preston and Miss Mae McClish, who presided at the piano.
• On Saturday afternoon, a sad accident occurred at the Stockholm Lumber Co.’s mill, by which Emil Peterson lost his life. While taking away lumber from the edger, a slab flew, sticking him in his stomach. Mr. Peterson lived only a few moments after he was taken home.
75 Years Ago: April 12, 1934
• The annual banquet of the Caribou Fire Department Tuesday evening at the Vaughan House was to pay tribute to retiring Chief Fred M. Hawkes. The new fire chief, Murray E. Mockler, who in a happy style presided as toastmaster. Hawkes responded with words of appreciation of the cooperation of the members of the department. He also told of the present project now being carried out of forming artificial reservoirs through the country districts for firefighting purposes. He also spoke of the need for more adequate quarters for the firemen to hold their meetings.
• Henry Barnes has purchased a new team of horses.
• Caribou Camp 9742, Modern Woodmen of America, are putting on a social dance April 17, at the Grange Hall. Ladies are requested to being a basket lunch.
• Miss Marion McElwain of the Sweden Road, a senior at the high school is staying in town this week instead of driving, as the roads are in such bad condition.
• Mrs. Frederick Langen has just been awarded a Certificate of Recipe Endorsement by the Better Homes and gardens for her recipe, “Steamed Date Pudding.” The certificate is given only to distinguished recipes which pass the Better Homes and Garden’s testing kitchen’s tests for dependability, excellence of tastes and family usefulness.
• Mrs. Calvin Harmon of Limestone and her granddaughter, Elaine Andrews visited with relatives here in Caribou on Friday.
50 Years Ago: April 9, 1959
• Richard Pratt of the high school faculty announces the annual Jr. Exhibition will be presented by the Class of 1960. Students chosen to participate are; Vernon Palmer, III, John Bero, Warren Griffin, Florina Philbrick, Laura Etscovitz, Judy Hanley, Janice Hale, Katherine Raymond, Gail Kelley and Susan Buchanan.
• Ronald J. Cyr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Cyr has completed basic training and tech school at Lackland AFB, San Antonio.
• Merchant gifts will be given to “Mr. Caribou” and “Miss Caribou”, the first boy and girl born April, 5, the 100th anniversary of the town’s incorporation. Mark Joseph Martin, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Martin has been named “Mr. Caribou. The winner of the “Miss Caribou” title has not yet been announced.
• Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caverhill were guests of honor at an open house in observance of their 25th wedding anniversary.
• Mrs. Marietta Ringdahl, Cynthia and Marcia called on Mrs. Keith Nelson in observance of her daughter, Lori Lee’s third birthday.
• Mrs. Rufus Bernard is the new librarian at the Caribou Library, filling the position formerly held by Mrs. Clara Piper who recently retired.