Like the flowers, the Bridgewater Historical Association comes back to life each spring. This year we plan a very active schedule. The recreation department will hold the local pageants at the hall on May 9.
On May 14 the BHA kicks off its schedule with the Thursday Night Live Music by “Outside In”. The music begins at 6 p.m.
So, grab your dancing shoes and come on down. They play a wide variety of music including Country, Old Time Rock & Roll, 60’s pop and standards.
Thanks to past donations, the BHA has begun to replace the hall’s sound system, a sincere thank-you to our supporters. We are still in need of more equipment to complete the system, so donations are welcome. Refreshments are available at the hall.
A new music event this year will be a Line Dance class. The classes will be held on Wednesday nights beginning May 20, from 7 p.m. until 8:30. Donations are accepted. Once again, bring your dancing shoes. Come again on Thursday nights and practice what you have learned.
The BHA will also be holding a Bake Sale on Saturday, May 23. Keep watching for updates on the Bake Sale and other events happening at the hall.
We look forward to seeing all of you there. Thanks again for your support. Bridgewater may be small, but it is a happening place.