Compiled by Karen Donato
Staff Writer
Aroostook Times
Baseball Fans — Houlton fans that are anxiously waiting for a ball team here in town will regret to learn that Ralph Good, the star Colby pitcher, has signed with the Portland team for the summer. It has been hoped that Houlton might have secured Good, but owing to the uncertainty of having a team here it was impossible to give out a contract at that time.
Buckboard ride — A number of Ricker students enjoyed a buckboard ride to Nickerson Lake Friday evening. Miss Linton, who chaperoned the party; met with a slight accident due to the breaking of the buckboard.
Petty thefts — The Bowker Fertilizer Company’s storehouse was ransacked and the office fixings and furniture put into a state of confusion. The lock on the desk was broken, but nothing valuable was taken. The same culprits entered the high school building by breaking a window in the basement. The most serious damage was done to the furnace, cracking several sections.
75 Years Ago-May 24, 1934
Houlton Pioneer Times
Band concert — The first in the series of 12 band concerts annually was presented for the enjoyment of music lovers in this section by the Houlton Concert Band. The band is under the direction of Bandmaster Emmons Robinson.
Knights of Columbus — The local council of Knights of Columbus plans for the 39th annual State convention to be held in Houlton May 28 and 29.
Boston Post Cane — Frank J. Carpenter who celebrated his 89th birthday was complimented by being presented with the gold-headed Boston Post cane, carried by the oldest resident of the town.
50 Years Ago-May 21, 1959
Houlton Pioneer Times
Houlton — A new 1,000-gallon tank truck for the Houlton Fire Dept. was pressed into service. The heavy-duty vehicle has five speeds and a gross weight of 25,000 pounds. Estimated cost was $9,967.
Recital — Voice students of Mrs. Ira Tarbell presented a recital. Students taking part in the recital were: Lucia Madigan, Jean Josselyn, James Donald, Irene Bell, Mardie Ebbett, Barbara Howe, Linda Peabody, Donna Mae Gildart, Nancy Bell, Linda McQuarrie, Sally Wakefield, Sharon Gartley and Laurella Gentle. Mrs. Donald Nelder was the accompanist.
Monticello — Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Delong presented a piano to Grade One room at the Wellington School.
Littleton — The Littleton Busy Workers 4-H Club has been named 4-H Club of the Month by David Allen, 4-H agent. The girls club was organized in 1956. Current officers are: Charlotte Manuel, president; Virginia Manuel, vice-president; Margaret Fitzpatrick, secretary; Janet Adair, treasurer; Bonnie Carpenter, reporter; Lorraine McCordic, flag bearer and cheerleader. The club leader is Mrs. Mabel Bubar.
Houlton Pioneer Times File Photo 1959
“PASSING OF AN ERA” — This might well be the caption of this picture as Joan Marie Mooers, 11, tethers her horse Bullet to a wire-covered lamppost on Court Street that will soon be no more. Joan’s grandfather and her great-grandfather, Albert E. Mooers, Jr. and Sr. probably hitched their horses to this post many times in the olden days while they were delivering milk to Millar’s Confectionery Store.
25 Years Ago-May 23, 1984
Houlton Pioneer Times
Houlton — Lisa Collett, a senior at Houlton High School and daughter of Bruce and Jean Collett has been selected as one of four recipients in the state to receive a $500 scholarship from the Maine Sports Hall of Fame as a Scholar-Athlete.
Champions — The Southern Aroostook Warriors coached by Murray Putnam have won the baseball championship of the Northern Maine League for the seventh time in the past eight years.
Dyer Brook — Students from Mrs. Bartlett’s Office Practice Class at Southern Aroostook Community School are expanding their business-related skills by learning how to operate efficiently the word processor, electronic calculators and Dictaphones.
Hodgdon — PFC Darlene Nason, a 1982 graduate of Hodgdon High School and daughter of Lynwood and Sandra Nason of Linneus has graduated from the Electronic Warfare Signal Intelligence Course at Fort Devens, Mass. She is now stationed in Berlin, Germany.