Tim Tweedie, Senior High Social Studies teacher at Houlton High School, has been invited by the class of 2009 to be the guest speaker at their commencement exercises, which will take place at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday evening, June 4 at John A. Millar Civic Center.
Tweedie is a graduate of Central Aroostook High School in Mars Hill, Class of 1998. He received a History degree from the University of Maine at Presque Isle in 2003. After graduating from UMPI, he went to work for six years as a dispatcher at his family’s trucking business in Mars Hill, Sargent & Tweedie Transportation, Inc. He returned to school for his teaching certificate in 2005. In addition to teaching, Tweedie also coaches varsity soccer, junior varsity baseball, and eighth grade basketball.
Tweedie and his wife Erica reside in Blaine with their two year old son, Jay. He is the son of Michael and Susan (Brewer) Tweedie. Susan is a graduate of Houlton High School, Class of 1975. He is also the grandson of Jay Brewer, a long-time educator and principal in Houlton.
The last week of school is a busy time for the seniors. On Friday, May 29, the seniors leave for their class trip to Old Orchard Beach, returning on Sunday, May 31.
On Monday evening, June 1, the senior banquet will be held at 5:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Senior Last Chapel will follow the banquet at 7p.m. in the school auditorium, where scholarships and awards will be presented.
After graduation exercises at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 7, the class will gather at the Houlton Lodge of Elks for Project Graduation. Many businesses and individuals have contributed to this program to provide prizes, food, and a safe place for seniors to celebrate after graduation.
If parents or guardians have questions concerning any of the above activities, please call the school at 532-6551.