Majestic Minis are a big hit in the ‘neigh’borhood

15 years ago
By Barbara Scott
Staff Writer

    Free pony rides were the big attraction on Sweden Street last Saturday as Sally O’Neal of Woodland, brought her Majestic minis and their pony wheel to Garret Milton’s residence.

Image    Kay-lee Parker became quite the young horsewoman Saturday afternoon as she and her Majestic Mini pony, “Daddy,” made quite a few trips around the track on Sweden Street Saturday afternoon. Guiding the pony wheel is Majestic Minis owner, Sally O’Neal.

    The event was sponsored by the Half-way Home Pet Rescue, operated by Norma Milton of Madawaska Lake, who just happens to be Mom to the home-owner.
    The afternoon saw a large number of young,  would be equestrians, take advantage of riding the miniature ponies and having their picture taken on their favorite mount, courtesy of the Pet Rescue gang.
    Other events being sponsored during the same time included a city-wide bottle  drive, to help with the cost of making sure homeless cats and their litters receive medical treatment prior to being adopted, as well as a hotdog stand and free popcorn.



Image    Wayne Little holds the saddle as his grandson, Bobby Caron decides if he wants to ride or maybe just pat  the minature pony.








Image  This young cowboy decided to have some popcorn to help get rid of the trail dust as he was deciding whether or not to take advantage of the free pony  rides that were going on at the Milton residence on Sweden Street. The event was sponsored by the Half-way Home Pet Rescue.






Image     Norma Milton, operator of the half-Way Home Pet Rescue shares a few minutes with one of Sally O’Neal’s Majestic minis.