Church marks100 years of worship

15 years ago
Church marks milestone

    The Easton Methodist Church will be holding a special service on Sunday, Aug. 9, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the church. Morning services will begin at 10 a.m. with the Rev. Jim McPhee as guest speaker. Rev. McPhee is the assistant to the bishop and is a former pastor of the Easton/Mars Hill churches. 

     A barbecue will be held at noon and at 2 p.m. Methodist District Superintendent Pat MacHugh will be the speaker. Anyone connected, now or formerly, to the Easton church is welcome, as are other church members of the local churches. The Easton church was completed in the late summer of 1909 when services began but was not dedicated until 1910.

Senior news

     The senior citizens will be touring the historical village in New Sweden on July 29. A bag lunch will be provided. This will be with the children, so be on your best behavior. Cost is $3. Participants will leave the hall at 8:30 a.m. Also at 5:30 p.m. on July 29, there will be a community barbecue at the hall. This will wrap up the summer. There will be no fee. Everything will be provided, just come and eat.
     On July 30, Chris Finnemore will be having a senior lunch. There will be a $2 charge for the lunch and it will start at 11 a.m.

Rec schedule

     On July 29, the Rec will go to Acadia Village in New Sweden with the senior citizens from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be a $3 fee. A bag lunch will be provided. Also at 5:30 p.m., there will be an “End of Summer” barbecue at the hall. This will be the end-of-summer barbecue. There is no charge, so come and eat all you want.
    On July 30, there will be Day Camp from 9 a.m. to noon (Easter). There will be hiking/swimming (ASP) from 12-4 p.m. Science camp will be from 2-4 p.m. The minor baseball league will play the Eagles at 5:30 p.m. Seniors will gather for a luncheon at the manor recreation room starting at 11 a.m.; cost is $2.
    On July 31, there will be swimming lessons from 8:35-10:20 a.m. Then there will be playground from 10:30-11:45 a.m. Science camp goes from 12-4 p.m.
    On Aug. 3, 4 and 5, there will be adventure camp from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. Then adventure camp will resume again from 1-5 p.m.
    Aug. 4 there will be a Youth Adventure Program at Maine Winter Sports Center. The bus leaves the hall at 5:45 p.m. and will return at 7:45 p.m.


     From July 10-17, Mallard and Flora Ireland and son Robie had visitors from out of state, their daughter, Cheryl, and her husband, Bruce Wessel, and their daughter, Brianna Hafford. Also visiting was their son Randy Ireland and his friend, Bruce Wotton, and their dogs, Buttons and R.J. They are from Delphos and Lime, Ohio. While here, they also visited with other family members and did some shopping. They also went to the spaghetti supper at the Odd Fellow’s Hall.
    Ruth Ladner is home visiting with her mother, Arlene Ladner, for a few weeks. Welcome home, Ruth. Also visiting Arlene last week were her son Marvin and his wife Donna and their two grandchildren.
     Dana Carter and daughter, Molly, of Scarborough, were here with his parents, Clair and Eldora Carter, to enjoy Field Days weekend. They were also able to spend some time with his sister, Andrea Celayeta, of Grand Junction, Colo., and her son, Adam Celeyata, from Parker, Colo. They were also home with her parents. Andrea and Adam spent the week and were able to visit with her brother, Vaughn, and family. They also spent an evening with an old friend, Nancy Clark. They arrived in Easton just as the Field Days Parade was starting, so they had to walk from the high school to the Carter home. Andrea and Adam returned home on Friday, and on Saturday, Clair and Eldora drove to Bangor where they attended a banquet in Brewer, honoring Major Herbert Joliat. Major Joliat is one of the soldiers that the Easton Methodist Women have been sending boxes of clothes, shoes, school supplies and stuffed toys to for the orphanage that he helped with in Iraq. Before Joliet left, they opened a new elementary school for that area. He also said that the American people are not hearing all the good things that are happening in Iraq now, only the bad. He had served three tours in Iraq and one in Afghanastan, with probably more to come. Eldora had never met the man or his parents and was very pleased to finally get the chance to do so. The Carters returned home the next day.

Kiwanis news

    The Easton Kiwanis Club held their July 21 meeting at the Odd Fellow’s Hall with seven members from Easton and three from the Presque Isle club. Those present were: Mike and Loris Allen, Clair and Eldora Carter, Bernard Hussey, Ann Osgood and Irene DaFonte; from Presque Isle: Lt. Governor Deidre McMahon and Timothy McMahon and Francis Heals. Barbara Blackstone and her daughter, Jessica, stopped in for a few minutes. This is the first time Barb has been able to get out to anything except the doctor since May. She is doing better. The supper of hotdogs, hamburgers, salads and a delicious dessert were made by Loris. Bernard Hussey gave the blessing.
    The meeting was opened by Mike Allen, welcoming the members from Presque Isle. Ann Osgood gave the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance was said, even though the flag has not yet been put up. Mike gave a report on the Field Days chicken barbecue, telling the group that he ran out of chicken and salad on Friday night, but didn’t do as well on Saturday. He thought it was because of where they were located that day. Activities centered around the high school because of the elementary school gym. They had just had a new hardwood floor put in the gym and it couldn’t be used yet.
    Lt. Governor Deidra spoke on their trip to the National Kiwanis Conference in Nashville, passing on some information that was new to the local clubs.
    The club will be having two food booths at the Presque Isle fair, one at the horse ring and the other at the paddocks. Of course, there will be a need for help. Mike will have some passes for workers. He said that they already received some donations of chips and hotdogs.
    New officers will take over in October.
    Tim McMahon also told the group that National would like some local input on new projects to sell to the membership this year; also the Presque Isle Kiwanis Club will be holding a Fun Day at the Balloon Festival on Saturday, Aug. 29, at the Forum.
    Bernard Hussey spoke to the group on the satisfaction he gets working with the young folk at the Baptist Park Camp in the summer. Some of the programs have had to cut back because of the finances.
    There will be no Kiwanis meeting on Aug. 4 because of the fair. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, Aug. 18.


     On July 29, Rick and Trish Hafford and Joe and Lacey Saucier, and Mark and MaryAnn Page have anniversaries. Bless you all on your special day. Sharon Barker also has a birthday that day.
    On July 31, Emily Cyr, Deborah Sims Olson, Andy Rice, Arron Chalou and Dale Tompkins all have birthdays. Also celebrating their anniversaries that day are Christy and Wilfred Tompkins and Jack and Debbie Dionne.
    August 1, Scott and Rebecca Allen celebrate their anniversary. Flora Ireland and Harold Jones have birthday on Aug. 1 as well.
    On Aug. 2, Mike and Rae-Lynn Hewitt have an anniversary, as well as Jeff and Cindy McAdam. Turning another year older on Aug. 2 are Tammy Tompkins, Dottie Dudley and Grace Flewelling.
    On Aug. 3, we would like to wish Sonny Robbins a very happy birthday. Try and be good today, Sonny.
    On Aug. 4, Darren Cyr, Jeremy Trotter, Roland Dionne, Andrew Jackson, Mark Desmond and Garth Gilman celebrate their birthdays. Anniversaries for Aug. 4 include Perrin Ellis and Kathy and Harold Jones.


     Margaret Niblett has just gotten back from England where she went to visit with her granddaughter, Karen, and family. Karen was home visiting with her parents, Sam and Peggy Niblett, and when she returned home, Margaret returned to England with her. She said it was beautiful over there.

Food pantry

     Anyone wishing to donate any garden fruits or vegetables to the Easton food pantry may do so; your contribution would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Senior Tea

    On July 23, the senior citizens from Easton held a tea. Dottie Sines spoke to the group on the different teas and the different ways teas are used. Tea is not only to drink but it is used for a lot of things. It can take away age spots and help you look years younger. Tea is good for you. The group enjoyed a lunch before the meeting.
     Debbie Smith is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by e-mail at or call 488-5530.