Members of the Junior Fire Attack School held a carwash at the Presque Isle Fire Department

15 years ago

    ON CLEANUP DUTY — Members of the Junior Fire Attack School at the Presque Isle Fire Department held a carwash July 11, with funds raised going toward the program.

Staff photo/Kathy McCarty

Image     Youth from a number of area communities are currently enrolled, with classes designed to teach students entry-level firefighting skills. Upon graduation, participants take those skills back to their respective communities and are able to provide support services to their local departments.



 Staff photo/Kathy McCartyImage
    FUTURE FIREFIGHTER — Keith Tarbox, of Washburn, shown holding a sign promoting a carwash for the Junior Fire Attack School at the Presque Isle Fire Department, assisted by Sparky, volunteered for the event, even though he is not a member of the class. According to the program’s director, Grant Spinney, a firefighter with the PIFD, Tarbox has expressed interest in the course and was a big help at the recent fund-raiser. The program teaches basic skills to area youth interested in becoming firefighters.