Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing
August 1! How time flies! Do hope that August is full of sunshine and it can cheer people up – it really helps the disposition.
Saddie Carmichael’s beautiful granddaughter, Makayla Carmichael was visiting her recently and Saddie was so glad to have her.
Karen Rodgerson was the winner of the jackpot at Andy’s IGA last week. She won $700! That’s a great jackpot.
We had Lt. Pelletier from the Houlton Police Department and other clientele in the community room giving a talk on what to do for various happenings. They also gave eyescans and it was very interesting. Another meeting will follow. Several volunteers came forward for the future meeting.
Lillian Stairs’s daughter and son-in-law were visiting lately. It is always good to have family around.
Peggy Robinson’s son Eric Alan Robinson was married May 20 in St. Lucie, Fla. to Christine Rampaul. Peggy and sister Maureen Friel were blessed to be in attendance. The wedding and reception were at the home of the groom in Port St. Lucie. The couple took a 10-day Mediterranean cruise aboard the Navigator of the Seas for their honeymoon. Happiness and joy to the newlyweds.
Two weeks ago a gathering in the community room took place in the form of a goodbye for Aldyne Friel. Aldyne moved to Biddeford to be with her family. The meal was potluck and there was lots of food, beverages, music. Everybody had a great time. A money collection was taken up for Aldyne and she said her goodbyes. We will miss Aldyne – she was the angel who cleaned the snow off the cars! Good luck and come back to see us.
Arlene Friel celebrated her 90th birthday on Saturday, July 11. A party was held in her honor with many family and friends. We love you Mama dear (from Peggy and Maureen)!
A couple weeks ago Dorothy Campbell fell near the swings and broke her hip. She was taken by ambulance to the Houlton Regional Hospital. Have talked to Dot and she is doing well. Can’t keep her down! She is making great progress and will be back to Ricker before we know it. Our love to you, friend.
Elinor Schenk’s son and his wife, John and Jane, (I believe), from Island Falls, dropped by to see his mother on Wednesday. They brought the yearbook of the Greater Houlton School of Christian Academy. The yearbook contained Elinor’s picture with one of her young relatives.
Rose Levesque of High Street has been visiting her son in New Hampshire.
Bill Cogswell from New York is here visiting his sisters, Gerry Dunn, Norma Bates and Lavina Byron. The sisters are so friendly and have so much fun. They are blessed to be near one another.
Florence Hanson nephews dropped by one day last week. Lee Barrows is from Arizona and Philip is from Hawaii. I had a chance to see both of them. When they were kids they would hang out at my house. It was a great reunion. They are the sons of Doris Barrows, Florence’s sister.
Alice McQuarrie has died at a Maine hospice. Alice worked at the courthouse and I’ll miss seeing her sitting by her sister, Alma Gallop, each week. We loved Alice; she was a frequent visitor at Ricker Plaza. Our sympathy goes to Alice’s family and friends.
Elaine Duff has been mowing her lawn at her homestead, just to keep it in shape. That’s a hard job but many women are capable of doing it.
Keep well, drink lots of water and exercise, but not too strenuously these hot days.
My thought for the day is taken from John 14:1, 2A: “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you.”
Have a good week.
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 233, of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, July 31 meeting.
Fourteen TOPS ladies were weighed plus four KOPS, (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly).
In charge of the meeting was Brenda Lacostic, in the absence of our leader Joyce Estey.
Brenda had roll call. Joanne Scott and Janice Shaw were losers of the week; Betty Ivey was runner-up.
The winner of the skinny dish was Janette Nelson.
Charlotte Marley explained the new contest called, “Losing to Bloom.” Petals will be given to each person, but they have to be earned. The contest has its usual requirements with the exception of contacting two different members each week. The contest went into effect with this meeting.
August 21 is the date for a potluck picnic at Janette Nelson’s cottage. We all look forward to that.
Barbara Grant spoke on behalf of the ladies, the subject being the bylaw sheets. Copies of the new bylaws will be given at a future meeting.
The program was on portion control given by Denise Kinney. Some of the tips are: if your portion is enough at the first setting, avoid going back for seconds; put an amount in front of you in a bowl rather than consume your chips or other food from a bag; put your favorite food on a high shelf (to consume less); make your iced tea with honey instead of sugar; drink a glass of water before eating; eat a healthy snack before meals to avoid overeating.
The next meeting will be August 7. The meeting begins at 9 a.m. after weigh-in at 8-8:45 each Friday morning.
If you need more information about the chapter, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or call Betty Ivey at 532-9653.
Everyone is welcome.
Purple Hat ladies to meet
Purple Hat ladies will meet Tuesday, Aug. 11 at Larry and Peggy Sanders’ house, Smyrna Mills Road, Smyrna at noon for potluck. Grilled hot dogs will be served.
If you need information on what to bring, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483. All Purple Hat ladies are invited and guests are welcome.