Community Notebook

15 years ago

Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing
Hello everyone. Extreme heat here as it frequently is during August. So many of us are taking a break, as we should during the high temperatures. The heat makes me sleepy, but maybe it doesn’t have that effect on you.
    Some of the Ricker Plaza ladies were able to attend the fundraiser for Vicki Estabrook on August 15. I was unable to be present, but it was a beautiful night to eat out and help someone in need.
Gloria “Jeanie” Hall, our new tenant, said that the heat deterred her from unpacking. She has done the necessary things and will continue as the weather allows.
Bill Roach, a local man, former schoolteacher, and employee at the Big Stop, was honored on Saturday, August 15, at the 6 p.m. Mass. Bill received a special t-shirt from the youth, for his leadership. Bill suffered a heart attack/stroke several months ago and his work with the youth has been recognized. Congratulations to a super guy.
Grandson Patrick Downing has been visiting his grandmother, Lois Downing. Pat is from Wakefield, Mass. and is the son of Paul and Linda Downing.
Visiting Donna Burns recently were young ladies, Alexa and Rachel Eaton, daughters of Sara (Buswell) Eaton. Donna enjoyed the well-mannered sisters.
Dorothy Campbell is due home soon. Dot reports that she is doing well and is following the doctor’s orders. We’ll all be happy to see back at Ricker.
Elinor Schenk was a patient for a few days at Houlton Regional Hospital. Elinor is now spending some time at the cottage at a nearby lake. Elinor is very happy there at the cottage.
Paul Phelan, author, musician, and retired school teacher, was a weekend visitor of Lois Downing. Brother Paul from Westbrook and Lois attended the International Festival in Calais and took in the hour- long parade there. They visited the Atlantic Rehab, where Paul entertained for an hour and a half. Lois saw one of her classmates and some of her relatives.
Cruz-Cruz is home after surgery. Cruz is a frequent sales person at Good as New. She received word on Thursday that her brother in another state died at age 92. Our sympathy goes to Cruz.
Joyce Miller has been ‘under the weather’, lately. Hope you get some relief, Joyce.
That’s all for today, folks. Hope your week is going well. If you have a tidbit you would like to share, don’t hesitate to call me at 532-2125.
The Bible reading for today is: “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord; all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.” (Psalm 100:1-2)
Watch the temperature and act accordingly.

Happy Losers

By Shirley Sides
On Aug.12, the Happy Losers meeting was held at the Congreational Church vestry in Island Falls.
We always open our meeting with our pledge and roll call. We had 12 ladies weigh-in and 10 attended our meeting. I was the person who lost the most weight for the week, while Lois Green and Loretta Bouchard were runners-up. Great job ladies.
Reports for the week were given by our secretary and treasurer.
The “Turkey Dogs” were the winner of our contest. The “Lean Hamburgers” had a great loss, also.
Loretta Bouchard  led the program for the week. She spoke on an article about Stubborn Fat. Two cups of V8 juice a day is recommended. It has vitamin C and only 50 calories.
On Aug.5, Jane Fitzgerald was the person who lost the most weight for the week.
Our weight loss has been great since we had our contest. Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week. Loretta Bouchard was the person that lost the most weight for the month of July.
Our leader Jackie Pratt led the program for the week. Her topic was an article on foods that feed your memory; spinach was number one then califlower, fish and peanuts, and of course positive thinking.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information.

TOPS #ME 233, Houlton

By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Aug. 14 meeting.
Joyce Estey, leader, was present and conducted the meeting.
The weight recorder’s report was given by Joanne Scott. Thirteen TOPS and four KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly) were weighed.
We had roll call and loser of the week was Dellie Bennett and Linda Bartlett was runner-up.
Donna Parent conducted the skinny dish drawing and it was held over.
The bylaws will be distributed when they are printed.
Joyce read a letter from Collette Cote, area representative, on the workshop at Connor Aug. 15. Joyce reminded us of the “10” contest, the results to be given at SRD sometime soon.
Charlotte Marley’s contest will continue next week, so please keep track of the rules and contact two different ladies.
Dellie Bennett was given a charm for six weeks no gain and Betty Ivey for perfect attendance. The presentation was given by Melva Folsom, charm lady.
The program by Joanne Scott was in the form of a Dear Joanne letter. Joanne used food in the presentation instead of “Dear John.” The story proved to be humorous.
The next meeting will be Friday, Aug. 21. Following the regular meeting, we all will drive to Gene and Janette Nelson’s cottage for a potluck.
Weigh-in time is 8-8:45 a.m. every Friday; the meeting starts at 9 o’clock and usually ends at hour later.
For information on the chapter, you may contact Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
Everybody is welcome, teens, young and older.

Patten Senior Citizens

By Peggy Sanders and By Mary Lawlor
There were 32 senior citizens participating in the summer trip to Schoodic Point on the beautiful Maine coast. There was a lot of fog and much cooler temperatures near the water. We ate lunch at Heloni’s in Ellsworth and shopped at Reny’s. The group enjoyed ice cream in Milford, then on to the dollar store in Stillwater.
The following individuals attending were, Bob and Delores Locke, Tessie Barrett, Geneva Bell, David Burpee, Thelma Flowers, Merle and Evelyn Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Martha Chapados, Alma Clark, Arlene Friel, Travis Cary, Nancy Lawrence, Ursula Levesque, Jackie Kennedy, Lois and Bud MacDonald from Oakfield; Wanetta Townsend and Marie Gilotti from Dyer Brook; Don and Charlotte Marley from Smyrna. Island Falls senior citizens attending were Ed Dwyer, Ellie Peck, Edith and Terry Dwyer; Joe and Doreen Macinna from New Limerick; Gerald Jackins from Houlton; Gloria Noyes and Mary Lawlor from Patten; George Wagner from Quincy, Mass.; Robert McLean and the bus driver Gordon Hagerman from Littleton.
On Aug. 4, the Patten senior citizens met at Meadowbrook Manor with 10 members and one guest present.
The prayer before the potluck meal was given by Annette Noyes and the Lord’s Prayer was recited in unison by the members. After the meal, President Jackie Palmer led the Flag Salute and opened the business meeting.
Secretary and Treasurer reports were read and accepted.
Cards were signed and sent to Beulah Goodall, Joyce Hunter, Iola Giles, Louise Fogg, Roxene Williams, Elaine Pipes and Cora Savage.
The group sang Happy Birthday to Dean McKenney. Gini Garrett, RSVP coordinator spoke of the need for drivers for medical transportation.
The Game was played before the ending of the meeting and it was announced that the next meeting would be a picnic in the park.
Members attending were, Jackie Palmer, Joyce Harvey, Nettie Shorey, Annette Noyes, Rubines Botting, Mary Lawler, Gloria Noyes, Dean and Frances McKenney, Spurgeon Somers and Gini Garrett, guest speaker.

Purple Hat Society

By Lois Downing
The Purple Hat ladies met at Peggy and Larry Sanders’ residence in Smyrna Mills for a potluck and cookout on Aug. 11.
More than 20 ladies attended and we all sat in the Sanders’ sunroom. Don Marley had charge of the grill and grilled hot dogs and rolls. They were umm—good! Everybody brought something different to eat and as usual, the meal was delicious.
Charlotte Marley is the leader and she opened the meeting with roll call, but first we ate with Lois Downing offering grace.
When roll call was announced, Rose Levesque was a guest and she gave her name as, “Romantic.” Other names were Adorable, Lovey, Crazy, etc. Of course, the purple hats are also funny, flowery and beautiful.
The ladies’ meeting place for Tuesday, Sept. 8 will be The Taste of China on Military Street in Houlton.
After the meal, we played a game with Marie Gillotti leading. First she read a story and every time the words left or right came in the story, one would pass the package she was given. We all ended up with a different package; some contained beads, others had candles, candy and it was really a fun game.
Brenda Lacostic is on the sick list, so a get-well card was distributed for her.
The ladies were notified about a lobster feed Saturday, Aug. 15 at the Snowmobile Clubhouse in Oakfield from 4 to 7 p.m. Charlotte and husband Don Marley announced meeting dates for Don Schall from Pennsylvania. You may get more information for these meetings from either of the Marleys at 757-8483.
Denise Kinney, in charge of birthdays, gave the August dates for Charlotte Marley, Doreen Messina, Joanne Scott and Alma Gallop.
Marie Gillotti read a story about what to do with your IRS check and it proved to be very humorous.
Evelyn Burpee won the purple shoe and again it was very different and beautiful.
Attending from Cary were Denise Kinney and Joanne Scott; from Merrill, Arlene Friel; from Houlton, Lois Downing, Rose Levesque, Margaret Dudley, Ruth Sides and Gerry McAfee; from Smyrna, Peggy Sanders, Charlotte and Don Marley; from Dyer Brook, Sandy Wyman, Wannetta Townsend and Marie Gillotti; from New Limerick, Doreen Messina; from Oakfield, Evelyn Burpee, Sandra Holmes, Elaine Barrett, Alma Clark, Delores Locke, Bernice Campbell, Evelyn Johnston, Jackie Kennedy, Nancy Laurence, Ursula Levesque, and Helen Blois and from Presque Isle, Mildred Gagnon.
If you need information about the group, please call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483. Come and have some fun and wear a purple hat. There are no dues.