Town Council notes
Members of the Washburn Town Council met on Monday, Aug. 10, at the Washburn Civic Center at 7 p.m. The meeting was opened with a Pledge of Allegiance.
Elizabeth Richardson spoke on behalf of the Washburn Soup Kitchen, advising the Council that a larger place is needed for serving meals due to a rise in the number of residents in the tri-community area using the services. She gave statistics in May that there were 520 meals served and 40 food boxes distributed. In July, there were 896 meals served with 70 boxes being distributed; she also noted that the trend towards more people using the services of the kitchen will likely increase during winter months. She was assured that the Council will be looking for ways to assist this need.
The Council voted to approve the minutes from the July 13 Council meeting and reviewed figures through July 31, 2009.
Included in the agenda was a discussion of the disposition of property, supplemental tax bills and tax abatement applications, a quit claim deed for the sale of tax-owned property and three homes on the Carson Road that needed to be changed to meet 9-1-1 consistencies. The Council was also informed the Tax Club was growing in its number of participants.
Washburn’s Assistant Fire Chief Nate Allen informed the Council on the progress of purchasing a fire truck and advised them of new state statutes that will be in effect January of 2010 on emissions. The Council suggested a meeting of the Fire Truck Committee.
During the manager’s report, the Council was informed of the status of the town’s Ministerial School Fund that was set up when Washburn first joined the MSAD system. The current CD matures in 2011.
Town Manager Andrea Powers read and presented a letter to the Council members stating her thanks to the Washburn Town Council for allowing her to attend her final Council meeting for the town of Washburn and the chance to fulfill her duties as town manager through the end of the week. The commitment she has made to the Council and the citizens of Washburn is very important to her and she welcomed the ability to see that commitment through to the end.
Powers said she enjoyed being part of a team of professionals dedicated to facilitating the community’s success and that it has been an honor; and although her title is public servant to the community of Washburn, she hoped they found that she had in fact served them well.
The Council also thanked her for her meritorious service to the community and spoke of the many improvements to Washburn during her tenure. They wished her well in all of her future endeavors.
Those celebrating birthdays this week include: Elaine Churchill, Bill Sargent, Julie Doody, Phyllis Kelley, Cindi Turner, Ryan Taylor, Connie Heald, John Howlett, Robert Schwartz, John Canders, Kellie Routhier, Chelsey Dodd, Noah White, Scott McIntosh, Drew Condon, Stacey Baker, Krysten Blackstone, Roscoe McIntosh, Lois McCrossin, Dale Easler, Earl Campbell, Geraldine Beckwith, Amber Thompson and Glen Tupper.
Anniversary wishes go out to Lee and Heidi Farley, Scott and Tammy Susi, Adam and Angela Rider, Fred and Tamria Maynard, Morgan and Shirley Everett, Chris and Peggy Wilson, Bill and Tracy Whitten, Robert and Valerie Maynard, Mike Barker and Amy Berube, Erik and Erika Vaughn, and Mark and Diana Bragg.
TOPS, (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), holds regular meetings each Monday at the Washburn Trailrunners clubhouse, starting with weigh-in at 4:15 p.m. and a meeting to follow from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and new members are always welcome.
The Washburn Soup Kitchen schedule includes regular meals on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday, served from 3 to 5 p.m. The kitchen also does up food boxes during regular hours and a special senior citizens’ meal is served the second Friday of each month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Salmon Brook Historical Society museum summer hours are Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m., and Wednesdays, from 8 to 11 a.m. To arrange for tours at other times, please call 455-8279.
A final reminder for Friendly Co-Op members. Please note that if the next regular order week through August 21 with a delivery date of Friday August 28 doesn’t go through due to not enough customer orders, this Co-Op will no longer be available. For further information contact Brenda McCoy at 455-8421 or e-mail her
Library bookmarks
Correction: In the last two editions of the paper, the Libri Foundation grant was incorrectly listed as the Libra Foundation. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
The Washburn Memorial Library held its last story time for the summer reading program. The theme was “Dance and Move” and 17 children and nine adults attended. Greg Drake read the book “Humphrey the Dancing Pig,” and Chelsea Sadler read “Wiggle,” which was one of the books the library received with the Libri Foundation grant. Librarian Kathy Corey read “Sing with Me: The Hokey-Pokey” as she showed the children the moves that went with the song. They also joined in with her and had a great time dancing. Refreshments were served and door prizes presented to winners, who included: Andrew Lagasse, Mariah Campbell, Tal McCoy, Rebecca Savoy, Cindy Ketch, Christa McCoy, Samantha Churchill, Piper Campbell, Scott Flood, Dakota McCoy, Russell Farley, Dawson McCoy, Makayla Dickinson, Camille McCoy, Victoria Savoy, Valerie Flood and Virginia Farley.
The library is looking for cooks! As a fund-raiser for the computer we will be receiving next year, the library is making up a cookbook for the towns of Washburn, Wade and Perham. We know that there are wonderful cooks in the area and wants to see those fantastic recipes. For more information, feel free to call the library at 455-4814.
Christie Cochran is the correspondent for Washburn, Wade and Perham. She can be reached at 455-8034 or
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
WASHBURN'S 2009 KING AND QUEEN of the August Festival, Rodney and Sylvia Wardwell, of Perham, were driven in the parade by Ken Fox. A special visitor, "Pinky," stopped by to say hello to them, as Snappy rode by on his scooter.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
THIS 1947 MCCORMICK-DEERING Hay Loader, owned and operated by Peter Wilcox, was a rather timely entry in the Washburn Parade, given the fact hay season is upon us.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
FATHER-AND-SON tractor enthusiasts Rodney and Carroll Sperry, both of Washburn. took part in August Festival activities with their prized machines. Rodney Sperrey drove a 1948 Farmall known as "Ole Boy" and his dad, Carroll Sperrey, took of the "Mowin" Machine, a 1942 Farmall that he noted was "the best of the two tractors."
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
RAIN DID LITTLE TO HAMPER participants’ enthusiasm in this year’s Ultimate ATV Event, hosted by the SCATV, as pictured here by a friendly wave as the group of riders traveled from Presque Isle through Washburn, on their way to lunch in Van Buren July 26.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
THIS UNICYCLIST was one of the crowd favorites during the Washburn Parade. The one-wheeler was ridden by Cameron Clark, of Houlton, the grandson of Edwina Mills.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
PASSING THE GAVEL — The Washburn Town Council and Town Manager Andrea Powers handed the gavel over to Bev Turner on the evening of Monday, Aug. 10. It was Powers’ last Council meeting, as Bev Turner will take over as town manager as of Saturday, Aug. 15. Council members included in back, from left: Keith Brown, Mike Umphrey, Jeff Wark, Kermit Fuller and Fred Thomas. In front: Andrea Powers and Bev Turner.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
TOWN STAFF BIDS FAREWELL TO POWERS — The Washburn Town Council along with the Washburn town employees enjoyed one last get-together as they celebrated with Town Manager Andrea Powers before her last day at the Town Office. Municipal staff included, from left: Adam Doody, Harold Easler, Marcie Barbarula, Debbie Corey, Roger Hewitt, Andrea Powers, Joe Whitten, Kathy Corey, Bev Turner, Doug Conroy, Lisa Mette and Troy Heald.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
COOLING OFF — Not accustomed to hot weather because of all the precipitation earlier in the season, folks sought relief form the heat with a dip in the water over the weekend. Between and after some of Washburn’s August Festival events, many chose to escape the humidity and heat by relaxing in the cool Aroostook River at Thomas Brewer Park. Weekend temperatures hovered in the mid-80s, with plenty of sunshine providing a nice break from all the rain earlier this summer.