Kittinger’s 3,550-mile balloon ride

15 years ago

    September 14, 2009 will mark the 25th anniversary of Ret. Col. Joe Kittinger’s flight across the Atlantic Ocean in his 10-story hot-air balloon, the Rosie O’Grady Balloon of Peace.

ImageBalloon site on Kittinger Drive

    Col. Kittinger’s solo attempt to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a helium filled balloon became a reality as he traveled at speeds up to 75 miles per hour and traveled unofficially 3,550 miles. Launching from Clifford Longley’s field in Caribou, crossing the Atlantic Ocean at Bayonne France, Sept. 17 at 4 p.m. EST, 10 p.m. in France, landing in the tiny coastal town of Savona, Italy, 20 miles west of Genoa, 84 hours later.
    The Retired Air Force Colonel and prisoner of war with his flight in the Rosie O’Grady Balloon of Peace broke the distance record of 3,107 miles set by the Double Eagle II flight which took place in 1978.
    More than 5,000 spectators witnessed the balloon launch from the local field.
    In honor of 25th Anniversary of the Rosie O’Grady flight, Col. Kittinger will be returning to Caribou once again, helping to celebrate his spectacular flight anniversary but also to help in celebrating the 150th birthday of the city of Caribou.
    During his presence at the 150th Community Barbecue, following the enormous parade on Saturday, Sept. 5,  Col. Kittinger is expected to be presented with a very special anniversary gift by Sesquicentennial Committee member Will Bell. Bell was highly involved during the balloonist’s preparation of the record-breaking flight and was responsible for the Rosie O’Grady Balloon site located on Kittinger Drive in Caribou, being developed.
    Don’t miss out on the opportunity to not only celebrate Caribou’s 150th birthday but  to take part in the 25th anniversary  celebration  of the Rosie O’Grady as well..