From our Files: Headlines from 100 years of local news.

15 years ago

Compiled by Karen Donato
Staff Writer

100 Years Ago-Oct.13, 1909
Aroostook Times

    Linneus — Byron Stewart and Harry Rock were down to Ten Mile Lake last week a few days getting their sporting camp in readiness for a hunting trip later in the season.
    Amity — Mrs. Richard Rhoda of Hodgdon was a pleasant caller in town one day last week.
    Monticello — A buckboard load of 12 ladies drove to Centerville, N.B., last Wednesday to attend the exhibition. All had a merry time and returned home sober.
    Moving — L.L. McLeod on Saturday purchased the Packard farm.
    Scarlet fever — The school committee has been busy the past two weeks on account of the light run of scarlet fever which appeared among some of the scholars.
    Staceyville — John Q. Adams, J.F. Bryson and H.H. Stetson will leave here Thursday for Staceyville where they will meet Mr. Adams’ son, Cecil and from there they will go into the woods 30 miles on a hunting trip.

75 Years Ago-Oct. 11, 1934
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Race-horse sold — Dr. George Q. Nickerson has just achieved what is thought to be a distinction rare among Aroostook County horse owners, He has sold the successful race horse Wanita, of which he is the owner, to Sartaco Gambi, whose home is at Ravena, Italy to where the horse will be shipped. This is probably the first time any horse owner in Houlton ever sold a racehorse of the caliber of Wanita across the water. In fact the sale is probably an Aroostook County record.
    Birthday — Mrs. Clement Carroll entertained at a very enjoyable party, Monday afternoon from 3 to 5 o’clock in honor of the seventh birthday anniversary of her son, Eugene. Guests included, Nancy Hyde, Ann Doherty, Patricia O’Donnell, Margaret Feeley, Bernice McCluskey, Donald Feeley, Anson Taber, Alfred and Harold Astle, Dean Ingraham and Tim Donovan.
ImageHoulton Pioneer Times 1934 File Photo
MARRIED 65 YEARS — Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bubar will observe an event which is given few married couples to celebrate when they will have an open house for their 65th wedding anniversary. They were married in Nashwaak, N.B. in 1869 and have lived in Houlton for the past 21 years. Great grandchildren of the couple are, Mary, Robert, Donald, Mabel, Harold and Anna McIlroy; Fred and Gordon Bither, Robert Mooers and James Powers.

50 Years Ago-Oct. 8, 1959
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Guest speaker— Sen. Margaret Chase Smith was the breakfast speaker at a session held by the Congressional Action Committee of the Houlton Chamber of Commerce.
    Hodgdon — Barbara R. Howard, 15, has been named as a member of the Teen Board of Farm Journal magazine, according to Miss Gertrude Dieker, women’s editor of the publication. She is one of 100 chosen to reflect teenagers’ views for over 3 million.
    Rotary Auction — Solicitation is underway for the fourth annual Rotary Auction.
    Bowling — Twenty-three men’s teams are bowling this season at the Houlton Bowling Center.
    Island Falls — Mrs. Clara Hathaway and Mrs. Alice McKenzie were hostesses to the members of the Past Matron’s Association of Loyal Chapter, O.E.S. at a picnic supper and meeting.

25 Years Ago-Oct. 10, 1984
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Benefit — The Houlton Council Knights of Columbus will conduct their annual Tootsie Roll drive to benefit the mentally handicapped children.
    Monticello — The Monticello Fire Department took possession of its new 1984 GMC truck. It is a 1,000 gallon pumper and a 1,000 gallon tanker. It was purchased from Mainline Fire Equipment of Sherman Mills.
    UMPI — Professor Stanley Small, director of student teaching at the University of Maine at Presque Isle has announced student teaching assignments for the fall semester. They include, Alan Bolduc of Oakfield, at Caribou High School; Barbara Mooers of Houlton at Hodgdon High School and Candace Crane of Hodgdon at Houlton Elementary School.
    East Hodgdon — A note for Maine hunters, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hartse of Missula, Mont. who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warden Boone this past week, noted in Montana the deer are so plentiful that hunters can get licensed for up to five deer, but only one antelope.