Contributed Photo/Bob Root
A walk-a-thon headed up by Raelene Page of Danforth and Lynette Young of Weston on Oct. 3 was held to raise awareness and funding for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Young said: “We decided to do the walk because we have several children in our small community affected by Type I diabetes. Two of the local children, Paige Young of Weston and Alec King of Danforth have both been diagnosed and they raised over $400 themselves.” Young also said that many walkers either have a family member or know someone who has diabetes. She added that the group plans to make the walk-a-thon an annual event and they look forward to gaining more support. This year, according to Page, 21 walkers raised $1,257. “We would like to thank everyone who donated their time and money for the cause,” said Young. From left, participating in the walk are: Raelene Page, Blaine Johnson, Patty Johnson and Danny Page. In front are: Lukas King in the wagon and his mother Tracey King.