Keagan Page receives Eagle Scout award in Washburn

15 years ago

    Keagan S. Page, son of Greg and Allison Page of Washburn, became one of the youngest Eagle Scout the town of Washburn has ever had, at the age of 13, in an Eagle Scout Court of Honor held at the Lidstone United Methodist Church Sunday Oct. 4. 

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    Washburn’s newest Eagle Scout, Keagan Page, 13, is congratulated on his latest accomplishment by Scout Master Larry Harrison, during the Oct.4, ceremony held at the Lidstone United Methodist Church.

    Keagan celebrated his achievement with more than 75 friends who came to witness the ceremony and offer congratulations. Included with friends and family in attendance were other Scouts from Easton, Presque Isle and Fort Fairfield, and Matt Ghirarda, Scout executive for the North Star District. Several Eagle scouts including, Tim Roix, Greg Page, Tom Peary, Brian Bixler and Adam Wilcox, who also received his Eagle rank with troop 177  at a very young age also attended.
    Katahdin Area Council Commissioner, Paul Little, opened the ceremony and Eagle Scout Tim  Roix served as Master of Ceremonies, assisted by committee chair, Stacey Skinner. During the ceremony Skinner spoke of each rank that the young Eagle Scout had to obtain. Candles were lit representing each of the ranks by Boy Scouts Taylor Skinner, Parker Thompson, Tyler Jardine and Daniel Roy. Taylor Skinner then recited the 12 points of the Scout Law as candles were lit to represent them. Page then lit the Eagle Scout candle representing his accomplishment of making it to the top of the ranks.
    Scout Master Larry Harrison presented Keagan with his Eagle certificate and credentials, then held up the plaque which contains all of the names of the Eagle Scouts from Washburn, asking Keagan to reveal his own name on the plaque. Keagan Page is the 33rd Eagle Scout from Washburn.
    Keith Brown, representing the Washburn Rotary Club, presented Keagan with a 10-year membership into the National Eagle Scout Association. Brown, also representing the town of Washburn, read aloud a proclamation from the town officially declaring October 4, 2009, as  Keagan Page Day. One of the gifts that the new Eagle Scout received was to have an American Flag flown over the Capitol building on Dec. 7 of this year, Pearl Harbor Day, in honor of Keagan’s accomplishments. The flag will then be taken down and sent to Page.


  During the Eagle Scout ceremony, Page handed out mentor pins to two people who had helped him in great ways to reach his goal of Eagle Scout. There were many tear filled eyes as Keagan awarded his first mentor pin to his grandfather, Darrel Page, who passed away in 2007, and was unable to see Keagan on this special day. Keagan asked that his grandmother Adeline Page to come forward to receive the pin. Mrs. Page has a special glass cabinet that holds many of her late husband’s possessions and stated that the pin will be added to those treasures.  
    The second mentor pin Keagan presented was to his father, Greg Page, saying that without his love and support throughout the years he wouldn’t have reached the goal of Eagle. Keagan also paid tribute to two other people who had passed away, Wink Larson and his grandmother Della Carman.
   The Eagle Scout ceremony was closed with a blessing from Pastor, Dot Matson. Keagan’s Eagle Scout project included doing repair work at the Lidstone United Methodist Church, where he gave the outside handicapped ramp a fresh coat of paint, put in a new five-tier bookcase in the Sunday School room, installed a new computer system and raised a new American and Methodist flag in a ceremony on Memorial Day.  
    Eagle Scout Page thanks all those who that donated to his Eagle Scout project fund and would like to give a special thanks to Sure Winner Foods for their very generous donation.