Holiday fun planned
There will be a Halloween party at the Mars Hill and Blaine Community Center Saturday, Oct. 31 from 5:30-7:30 p.m., sponsored by the Central Aroostook High School Junior Class. Make plans now to come out for some spooky fun!!!
Panther Idol
The first Panther Idol took place at the Mars Hill and Blaine Community Center Saturday, Oct. 24. There were 12 great competitors from Fort Street Elementary School who vied for the three top spots. Taking first place was Chloe Wheeler, singing “Thank God I’m a Country Girl.” Second place went to Noelle Bailey, singing “Unchained Melody,” and third place went to Hailee Rusby, with a balance beam routine.
Other participants included two groups of the All Star Gymnastics Sparkettes with cheering routines, Michaela Goff with a dance routine to Hawaiian music, Isabelle Wright, Jessica Thomas and Keara McCrum with a dance routine to “Hoedown Throwdown;” and Dayna McCrum playing “It’s a Small World After All” on the piano. Also entertaining the crowd was Tanner Goff with a dance medley, Josh Chandler, Logan Grass and Lane Grass with an air band routine to “Bad to the Bone;” Jillian Tweedie singing “The Climb,” and Nick Dominique and Johnathan MacArthur with a Ju-Jitsu Kata.
The mistresses of ceremonies were Dazzling Dayna (Collins) and Elegant Elizabeth (Gillen), with Nick, their bodyguard. The event was sponsored by the Fort Street PTCO, Al’s Diner, C&E Lawn Care and Fulton’s Lawn Care.
United Methodist Women
The October meeting of the UMW met in the church vestry Oct. 12 with 12 members attending. President Elaine Bailey welcomed all, then read a humorous article followed by the food blessing. Members enjoyed their sandwiches. Coffee, tea and dessert were provided by co-hostesses Joan Boone and Goldie Folsom. After an hour of socializing, President Elaine opened the meeting by leading all in the Purpose Pledge and Prayer. Many members spoke of their acts of kindness during the month. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted as read.
Alma Smith reported on sending out cards for sympathy and sickness. Donna Brewer reported on the recent Northern Maine District UMW meeting held in Presque Isle. A 14-page booklet prepared by Janice Footer, as secretary of the Northern Maine District, was very impressive and informative.
Much discussion was held on the upcoming Fall Craft Sale to be held Saturday, Nov. 7 beginning at 9 a.m. in the church vestry. Soups, rolls and a variety of pies will be served also. Committees were appointed and food solicited. Set-ups will be Friday, Nov. 6 at 9 a.m.
It was voted to give a $100 gift certificate from the local IGA to a local person currently in need of a little help. It was also voted to send gifts to soldiers in Iraq. Each member will get necessary gifts. The Rev. Sue Brown will get more information on where and when to send the gifts.
The meeting was turned over to program chair Frances Banks, whose program was on prayer and self-denial. The contrast between old and new, then and now, in talking about modern technology and electronics was very interesting. Many members participated for a great, entertaining time.
A collection was taken with the monies to go to missions. After the benediction, the meeting was adjourned. Members attending included Pastor Sue Brown, Elaine Bailey, Goldie Folsom, Joan Walsh, Joan Boone, Ruth Sylvester, Alma Smith, Frances Banks, Janice Footer, Donna Brewer, Clara Hussey and Daisy Campbell from Perth-Andover, NB.
Rotary Club
The Mars Hill Rotary Club met Tuesday, Oct. 6 at 6:30 a.m. at the Aroostook Health Center. Special recognition was given to Rotarian Roger Shaw for his recent induction into the Maine Sports Hall of Fame.
The special speaker was Andy Giles, art professor at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. He spoke to the group about the Phish Retrospective, taking place this fall at UMPI. There is a collection of photos, memorabilia and other items that Giles has catalogued in an effort to document the three concerts that Phish performed in Aroostook County between 1997 and 2003. For more information, go to
Students of the Month
In a continuing effort to recognize outstanding student citizenship, the faculty of Central Aroostook Junior-Senior High School announces that Jordan Canney and Jenna Cousins have been selected as the August/September “Students of the Month.” They were selected in recognition of their commitment to the pillar of character.
Jordan is a member of the seventh-grade class and lists English, reading and science as her favorite subjects. She is a member of the junior high cheerleading squad. Jordan enjoys gymnastics, swimming, ice skating and hanging out with friends. Her future plans involve getting a good job and having a family. Jordan is the daughter of Kelly and Robert Canney.
Jenna is a member of the sophomore class and lists English, animal science and physical education as her favorite subjects. She is a member of the FFA, French Club, Student Council and is a student aide. Jenna enjoys skiing, snowmobiling, volleyball, traveling, four-wheeling, listening to music, going to church, reading and spending time with her family and friends. Her future plans involve going to a four-year college, majoring in the medical profession, agriculture or criminal justice. She plans to work hard and succeed in life. Jenna is the daughter of Sherryl Watts and Gary Cousins.
Library happenings
On Wednesdays, from 6:30-8:30 p.m., the library will hold cribbage games, so bring your friends and your boards. The more the merrier. This has been changed from Saturday mornings, at least through the summer and fall.
If there is a topic that someone is interested in and would like to have a program on, please contact the library at 429-9625 or Tammy DeLong, trustee, at 425-1007.
The library is interested in offering computer skills programs for community members. Please call the library for information or to sign up for a class.
If your group is looking for a meeting space, the library is also pleased to offer free meeting spaces. Please call the library to reserve a space today.
Knit or crochet on Tuesday evenings from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the library. Enjoy each other’s company while you work on your chosen project.
The library is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 1:30-5:30 p.m.; Wednesday from 6:30-8:30 p.m., and Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m.-noon. For information, call 429-9625 or go to their new Web site:
Bridgewater Historical Association
BHA meetings take place at 6:30 p.m. on the first and third Mondays of the month at the BHA hall. For more information about the BHA and its events, please contact Leona Hess at 425-7946 or Jann Votaw at 425-7901.
Bridgewater Community Club
The Bridgewater Community Club will meet on Thursday, Oct. 29, at the Bridgewater Full Gospel Assembly Hall at noon. All local ladies are welcome to attend and learn what the club is all about. An informal luncheon will be served. For more information, contact Pat Lenentine at 429-9444.
Bridgewater Creative Crafting
On the first and third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Civic Community Center in Bridgewater, crafters are encouraged to join together to work on various projects. For more information, please contact Chris Finemore at 425-6606 or Melody Goff at 420-4002.
Tomi Henderson is the correspondent for Mars Hill, Blaine, Bridgewater and Westfield. She can be reached at 429-9126 or e-mail
Photo courtesy of Tomi Henderson
JILLIAN TWEEDIE sang "The Climb" during the Panther Idol contest on Saturday, Oct. 24, in Mars Hill.
Photo courtesy of Tomi Henderson
PANTHER IDOL NAMED — On Saturday, Oct. 24, the first Panther Idol contest was held in Mars Hill. Named the first Panther Idol was Chloe Wheeler, pictured at center, who sang "Thank God I'm a Country Girl." Named second runner-up was Hailee Rusby, left, who performed a balance beam routine. First runner-up was Noelle Bailey, at right, with her vocal presentation of "Unchained Melody." For a small school, Fort Street Elementary School has a great deal of talent, with 12 groups and individuals competing to be named the first Panther Idol.
Photo courtesy of Tomi Henderson
A JU-JITSU KATA was presented by Nick Dominique and Johnathan MacArthur during the Panther Idol.
Photo courtesy of Tomi Henderson
DANCING TO "HOEDOWN THROWDOWN" during the Panther Idol contest on Oct. 24 in Mars Hill were, from left: Isabelle Wright, Keara McCrum and Jessica Thomas.