Medical marijuana bill is bad law

15 years ago

To the editor:
    Most doctors agree that marijuana offers no medical treatment of value, beyond temporary pain distraction or relief. A handful of doctors have enabled their patients to consume marijuana under the present law. Most have not.
    Question Five goes well beyond the issue of medical marijuana. Question Five allows for California-styled dispensaries (marijuana grow operations) with no limitation on their size. It allows people convicted of drug trafficking to dispense up to 18-20 pounds of marijuana each year to authorized patients. It requires you to hire or rent to these people or face legal action. It even injects the special protections for marijuana patients and distributors into child custody proceedings.
    Question Five goes way too far, and well beyond what the voter will see on Election Day. I urge you to reject Question Five because it is a bad law.

Evert Fowle
District Attorney
Kennebec/Somerset counties
Maine Prosecutors Association