Senior citizens enjoy visit with four-legged friends

15 years ago


by Christie Cochran

  Several members of the Rec Center Senior Citizens’ Group recently traveled to Presque Isle to take a tour of the Central Aroostook  Human Society. The shelter was more than full of kittens, puppies and full-grown dogs and cats. The ladies visited the special “birthing room” and saw the laundry facility with two washers and dryers going. 

  They all seemed to enjoy the animals and noted that conversations could be carried on in the cat areas, but the dog kennels were filled with noisy and excited pups just seeming to want everyone’s attention! Also, as part of their visit, they brought items from the shelter’s wish list including: cat and dog food, towels, sheets, blankets, cleaning rags and supplies and newspapers.
  The ladies had a special treat during their visit when a former Washburn native, Dan Corey, arrived. He is currently the animal control officer for Presque Isle and was at the shelter by sheer coincidence. The group was pleased to see him and even had him join them in their group photos of the event. Corey seemed pleased as well, and it was a fun meeting.
  After the shelter tour, the group met at Governor’s Restaurant for lunch and the food was delicious. Those attending included: Barb McLaughlin, Peggy Sperrey, Jeanne Adams, Margaret Barker, CeCe Rossignol, Bern Rossignol, Arlene Cole, Wilda Goodall, Anita Tarr, Lorraine Harrison, Norma Baker, Glenna Ewing, Audrey Pavlick, Sylvia Wardwell, Drucilla Turner, Christie Cochran, Marcie Barbarula, Glenna Bragg and Barb Churchill.


  Those celebrating birthdays this week include: Sarah Bragg, Jamie Doughman, Jim Doughman, Ken Drost, Libby Aegerter, Keith Wilcox, William Manley Beckwith, Becky Doody, Erin Valone, Kim Silver, Gordon Anderson, Butch Thompson, Adam Rider, Brian Rouse, Michael Barker, Jody Morin, Betty Long, Mike McCoy, Emily Fuller and Rodney Drake.
  Anniversary wishes go out to: Ron and Shirley Rand, Gene and Andrea Bragdon and Bruce and Sally Blakney.
Town-wide news
     The annual Budget Committee meeting will be held on Monday, Feb. 8, at the Washburn Civic Center at 6:30 p.m. The regular monthly meeting of the Washburn Town Council will follow the budget meeting and will begin at 7 p.m.
  Trailrunners clubhouse special reminder — During the February school break, Monday, Feb. 14 through Sunday, Feb. 21, the kitchen will be open for breakfast and lunch every day as well as their regular hours. Also, Andy Santerre will be making his annual Sno-Run through our area and will be enjoying lunch at the clubhouse on Saturday, Feb. 6, starting at noon.

Perham news

  A fun event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, Feb. 27, in Perham with the Family Snowshoe Walk at Salmon Lake Bog. This all day-event will begin at the Perham Town Office yard at 10 a.m. and end when the snowshoe walkers stop.
  Residents Tom Goodyear and Ruth Labbe will be providing free hotdogs and cocoa for a meal on the trail and the event will even include a bonfire. This excursion will be headed up by naturalist Richard Clark and the trails will be in pristine condition due to grooming by Richard Clark and Tom Goodyear, making it easy for beginners. Donations will be greatly appreciated, and all proceeds will go towards the Salmon Lake Bog Project.
     The Perham Recreation and Events Committee is regrettably taking a hiatus from the annual Chili Cook-off and associated run. They are in need of new and interested volunteers to join them in their efforts to make Perham an interesting and fun place for youth and older residents. Anyone interested or having any questions is asked to phone Deb Viola at 498-3433.

Rec Center schedule

  On Wednesday, Feb. 3, there will be cross-country skiing from 2:45 to 4:30 p.m.
    On Thursday, Feb. 4, there will be grade 5 and 6 basketball at Washburn, with the girls playing at 5 p.m. and the boys’ game will start at 6 p.m.
    On Friday, Feb. 5, there will be an afternoon of swimming at the Presque Isle indoor pool. The bus will be leaving the elementary school at noon and returning at 3 p.m. The event will include ice cream from Houlton Farms Dairy.
  On Monday, Feb. 8, grades’ 5 and 6 teams will play Ashland at Washburn. The girls play at 4:30 p.m. and the boys’ game is at 5:30 p.m.
     On Wednesday, Feb. 10, there will be cross-country skiing from 2:45-4:30 p.m. The grades’ 5-6 boys will play Caribou at home.

Scholarship information

  The Aspire Scholarship supports students who have resided a substantial part of years (K-12) in Presque Isle or Washburn and adult learners who have built a life and are returning to school. For more information on this scholarship fund contact: Maine Community Foundation, 245 Main Street, Ellsworth, ME 04605. You can also phone: toll-free 877-700-6800, or 667-9735, ext. 1121; Fax: 667-0447; or e-mail
  Other local scholarships include the Laurel W. Thompson Scholarship. This fund supports students from Washburn, Crouseville, Wade and Perham. Interested students are asked to contact the Washburn District High School Guidance Office.
  The Leland R. Dahlgren Scholarship was established in 1999 by the family and friends of Mr. Dahlgren. It provides scholarship assistance to students from Aroostook County. Applicants are asked to contact Washburn District High School for further information.

    Christie Cochran is the correspondent for Washburn, Wade and Perham. She can be reached at 455-8034 or 


Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran

    WASHBURN SENIOR CITIZENS recently visited the Central Aroostook Humane Society. Those pictured for the outing include, from left: Jeanne Adams, Norma Baker, Margaret Barker, Arlene Cole, Glenna Ewing, Wilda Goodall, Lorraine Harrison, Barb McLaughlin, Audrey Pavlick, Bern Rossignol, CeCe Rossignol, Peggy Sperrey, Anita Tarr, Drucilla Turner and Sylvia Wardwell. They were joined for the photo by Presque Isle Animal Control Officer Dan Corey, pictured standing in back.