Patten Womens Club
The Patten Woman’s Club met Tuesday, Feb. 9 at the Veteran’s Memorial Library in Patten. Wendy Anderson was the guest speaker. She displayed her large collection of vintage hats. The members then enjoyed making their own hats out of paper. Several pictures were taken. Also, Ryan Short of the Maine State Troopers stopped in to introduce himself. He has recently moved into the area.
Next meeting is at Cecily MacKinnon’s house. Island Falls Happy Losers
On Feb. 24 the Happy Losers held their weekly meeting at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. We had nine ladies weigh-in and attend our meeting.
We always open our meeting with our pledge and roll call. Lois Green was the person who lost the most weight for the week and Hilda Clukey was runner-up Great job ladies!
Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week. In our contest, the Daffodils are winning, but the Tulips are closing in.
Dotty Rand led the program for the week. Her topic was on an article from the Prevention magazine. Meetings are always informative. Please feel welcome to our group every Wed 8-8:45am weigh-ins and 9 a.m. the class starts. Call 365-4884 for more info.
Mars Hill raffle ongoing
The Mars Hill Community Cupboard will raffle two $50 gift certificates to the Mars Hill IGA. Ticket prices will be one for $1 and six for $5. Volunteers will sell tickets at Mars Hill IGA on Friday, March 5 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, March 6 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and Friday, March 12 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Tickets will also be on sale at Central Aroostook High School during Saturday’s Winterfest activities from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. The two winning tickets will be drawn at CAHS. Please use this opportunity to support your local food pantry.
Sherman Seniors meet
The Senior Citizens Club of Sherman met on Wednesday, Feb. 17, at the gym for a potluck lunch at 11:30 a.m., and discussed plans for some special outings in the future. This will be news in the coming days.
The next meeting, scheduled for March 3, we will play BEANO, following prepared steamed hotdogs and rolls. Please bring a dessert, if you’d like to.
Present were Fred and Annie Atkinson, Dean and Frances McKenney, Gini Garrett, RSVP representative, Bonita Staples, Eva Perry and Donna Grass.
Houlton Council of Catholic Women
Houlton Council of Catholic Women held its Feb. 7 meeting after the 11 a.m. Sunday Mass at the parish center at St. Mary of the Visitation Church.
Twenty members with moderator Rev. David Raymond, Deacon Albert Burleigh and guest Bill Roach attended and were welcomed by co-president Mary Grant.
Prior to the business meeting, members packed Valentine bags for shut-ins. The ladies brought the treats for the bags, including candy bars, fudge, cookies, wrapped candy, fruit and other goodies. The ladies left for the evening with their Valentine bags to deliver to the various recipients.
Prior to the meeting, Fr. Raymond led the group in the blessing and then they consumed a delicious luncheon; the tables were decorated in the Valentine motif.
During the meeting, Janet Barker, chairman of the Valentine bags, gave an overview of the people in the community who will receive the packed bags: private homes, Houlton Regional Hospital, various nursing facilities.
Betty Ann Childers reported on the fund-raiser at Pizza Hut. She thanked all those who participated and said, perhaps Pizza Hut will be the restaurant for another fund-raiser in the spring.
Lois Downing will be the person to keep the Web page updated. Co-president Grant reminded the ladies of the upcoming appreciation dinner at the Year of the Priests event Feb. 13. The local Knights of Columbus will be the sponsor with the Houlton Council of Catholic Women.
Mary told us of her attendance at the state meeting in Hallowell Jan. 23. Forms were distributed to be filled out for volunteer hours.
Janet Mitchell reported on the end-of-the-year banquet May 17, to be catered by Cathy Bither and her culinary arts students.
At the March meeting a shower for the local animal shelter will be featured. Items for the food pantry can also be brought at that time.
Cruz-Cruz spoke on the annual St. Patrick’s Bazaar and stated she needed help. Some of the ladies will prepare tickets Saturday, Feb. 20 at St. Anthony’s Hall. Council will donate a boys and girls bicycle for the bazaar. Jane Mitchell will coordinate the cakewalk.
Margaret Casey and Judy Reid will prepare the dinner for the Umbrella of Care event on Sunday, Feb. 28.
Bernette Roach read the prayer for priests. Birthdays and anniversaries were recognized and the seminarian fund was taken up. Brenda Commander, Maliseet tribal chief, will be guest speaker at the March 1 meeting.
Molly Bailey won the door prize. Many members attended the anointing of the sick in the church by Father Raymond.
At the end of the meeting, the song “Christ Circle Around Us” was played. The next meeting is March 1.