Presque Isle briefs
Air Force Airman Shane B. Bradley graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.
The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills.
Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force.
He is the son of Tracy Bradley of Presque Isle.
Bradley is a 2002 graduate of Presque Isle High School.
Tech. Sgt. Mark C. Bryant has retired from the Air National Guard, a reserve component of the U.S. Air Force, after 20 years of faithful and honorable military service to the nation.
Prior to retiring, Bryant served as a ground radar systems craftsman as a member of the 366th Fighter Wing at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho.
He is the son of Malcolm and Priscille Bryant, of Wilton, and the brother of Shawn R. Bryant of Mary Ave., Fort Walton Beach, Fla.
His wife, Shirley, is the daughter of Claudette Desjardins, Presque Isle.
Bryant received an associate in applied science degree in 1997 from Community College of the Air Force, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. He also received an associate degree in 2007 from Grantham University, Kansas City, Mo.
Probus Club of Central Aroosook met on Thursday, April 15, to welcome the new city manager, James Bennett.
Eighteen members and six guests were in attendance. Mel Fitzherbert introduced Bennett, who spoke about his background in public administration, his family and the fact that he is getting to know the people of Presque Isle and is listening to concerns and ideas about what the future holds. Bennett shared with the group the fact he is a Shrine Kora Klown and entertains at various events, including the Shrine Circus. He has purchased a home and will be moving his family to Presque Isle soon.
Bennett addressed issues and answered questions regarding several items, including some in-house changes at City Hall, the Main Street crossing problem and the proposed bypass. He also spoke about the need for a multi-purpose community center that could accommodate youth and senior citizens. The city manager assured the group that he is willing to meet and speak with individuals and groups to discuss areas of concern without increasing taxes.
Audrey Thibodeau invited Bennett to join her for a tour of the Presque Isle Historical Society’s fire station.
Pearl Carmichael read a poem entitled “Passing On.” Helen McConnell read the secretary’s report and Gerry Gallagher gave the treasurer’s report.
Fitzherbert said the guest speaker for the May 20 meeting will be Mark Varnum who will talk about his research for his book about the German landing near Machias during WW II.
Peggy Woodman, president, then adjourned the meeting.
Members of Preceptor Alpha of Beta Sigma Phi met at the home of Paula Flora for April’s meeting.
Paula reported the toiletries and personal care packets for the Battered Women’s Project and the Homeless Shelter were delivered. Darrylin Keenan updated members on the upcoming Founder’s Day banquet on April 29.
A new slate of officers was elected. They are: President Paula Flora, Vice President Darrylin Keenan, Treasurer Sue Czosnek, Recording Secretary Emily Knight and Corresponding Secretary Cathy Allen.
Plans were discussed for the next month’s meeting.