Patten Seniors meet
The Patten Senior Citizens met on June 1st at Meadowbrook Manor with seven members present.
The Lord’s Prayer was recited before the potluck meal.
The business meeting was opened by President Annette Noyes who also led the flag salute.
Secretary and treasurer reports were read and accepted.
A reading was done by Jackie Palmer.
Cards were signed and sent to Steve Giles, Kenny Brackett, Reggie Hanson, Caroline Skinner, Dean McKenney and Kathleen McMannus.
The Game was played.
Grilled hot dogs, salads and rolls will be on the menu for the June 15th meeting. The birthday cake will be made by Joyce Harvey.
Members present were Annette Noyes, Nettie Shorey, Rubenia Botting, Jackie Palmer, Joyce Harvey, Mary Lawler and Gloria Noyes.
Callnan receives award
Kathryn Callnan was awarded the 2010 Excellence in Leadership Award by Aging Services of Maine and New Hampshire at their annual conference on May 19, 2010.
This award was given in recognition of Kathy’s exceptional leadership, effectiveness and commitment to the long-term care community.
Please join me in congratulating Kathy on this award.
Houlton Council of Catholic Women
by Lois Downing
Houlton Council of Catholic Women met in the parish center Monday, June 7, for its final gathring of the season. Deacon Al Burleigh was present and the Rev. David Raymond attended later.
Council members said the traditional prayers at the start of the meeting. Refreshment time was first on the agenda; hostesses were the June/September group. Jane Stile’s recording of the previous meeting was approved as was the treasurer’s Bernette Roach report.
Co-president Mary Grant thanked everyone for participating in the Hat of Many Colors at the last meeting.
Mary reminded everyone to watch the parish bulletin for information to the rummage sale in the fall. The September meeting will be a potluck with the local Knights of Columbus chapter.
Executive officers will meet in August. They are asking for pitch-in help for the meeting in September and June, with clean-up, and preparations.
Alta Reardon is the new historian. Cruz-Cruz requested we buy two new chafing dishes. Cruz will be responsible for purchasing them for Council.
Lois Downing will send a get well card to Rev. Chanel Cyr. He is in poor health, Deacon Al revealed after spending a weekend with him.
Cruz read the Prayer for Priests. Birthdays and anniversaries for June/July/August were recognized. The seminarian fund was taken up.
Deacon Al told a story about his “traveling rosary,” which he witnessed.
A possible bus trip, if there is enough interest, to the churches in northern Maine, is being discussed. Fr. Dave will be the tour guide. Parish Life Commission is involved in this project.
Fr. Dave and Deacon Al were honored with cake and icecream at the end of the meeting; both are observing anniversaries this month, one for ordination to the priesthood and one for becoming a deacon.
Have a prayerful and well summer.
Please watch the church bulletin for our September meeting.
Happy Losers gather
By Shirley Sides
Happy Losers held its weekly meeting at the Congreational Church vestry in Island Falls.on June 9. Our Co-leader opened our meeting with our pledge and roll call.
We had 13 ladies weigh-in and ten attended our class. Shirley Sides was the loser for the week and Riva Hawkes was runner-up.Great job ladies! Reports were given for the week by our secretary and treasuer.
The Cherry Blossoms are still winning in our contest, but the Apple Blossoms are closing in. We had no program for the week, and Hilda Clukey and Riva Hawkes ended the class with their funny jokes. Meetings are always informative.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wed. 8-8:45 a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more info.
Purple Hat Society
by Lois Downing
The Purple Hat Society met at ShamRock Cafe on Bangor Road for its Tuesday, June 8 meeting. It was a full house for our members and the ShamRock staff had a big sign out to greet us—Purple Hat ladies—you sure know how to party!
Lois Downing said the grace before the meal. She also recited some facts, funny ones, on churchgoers. Charlotte Marley, leader, welcomed everyone and welcomed back Joanne Scott, who has been in Florida for some time. Also Maureen Bird and Janice Roy were away. Jackie Colella was also welcomed. and Janel Salerno.
We said our Purple Hat names after the luncheon. Charlotte gave us some facts on the American Flag, Flag Day being June 14.
Margaret Dudley spoke on Fathers, There and Now and Sandy Wyman gave us love making tips. Doreen Massena was the recipient of the ceramic purple shoe. Observing June birthdays are Evelyn Johnston, Sandra Holmes and Margaret Dudley and we sang “Happy Birthday.”
Towards the end of the afternoon, Charlotte conducted a game; it was lots of fun. One received points for carrying a red bag, white buttons, etc. The winner was Delores Locke. Discussion was made on the next meeting place and possibly a picnic.
Attending were: from Island Falls, Mildred Gagnon; from New Limerick, Doreen Messina; from Smyrna, Cindy Gray, Peggy Sanders and Charlotte Marley. Also, from Merrill, Arlene Friel; from Hodgdon, Brenda Lacostic’ from Dyer Brook, Wannetta Townsend, Marie Gillotti, Sandy Wyman.
Also, from Oakfield, Evelyn Burpee, Sandra Holmes, Helen Blois, Deloris Locke, Maureen Bird, Joyce L Roy, Ursula Levesque, Bernice Campbell, Evelyn Johnston.
From Houlton, Margaret Dudley, Janel Salerno, Betty Wyman, Paula Wyman, Lois Downing and Gerry McAfee.
The next meeting will be announced in the Houlton Pioneer Times. Please watch for it.
Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing
This column is late but I’m still among the living.
Just wanted to report with the latest.
The weather — always a topic. Rain and dark days, but not all. With rain in the forecast, we are grateful and blessed with the weather that is before us. God is good! Some of other states have flood, hurricanes, hot and humid and then there is the oil spill! Need I say more.
Helen Brewer has moved to Madigan Estates nursing home facility. Helen, we hope you are very happy there.
We have noticed an abundance of signs in the park and elsewhere. What is the general consensus of these signs? Do you like them?
Paul Armstrong and Carolyn Carmichael took in a yard sale one day last week and came home with bags full of articles. Thanks to Paul, I received one. Yard sales can be a fun time as are garage sales and rummage sales.
Congratulations to all graduates, college and high school. I have many friends and some relatives graduating this season and all best wishes to them too. You are all starting a new life full of mystery and unknown. Make the best of it, work hard and one day at a time.
Our apartments (all of them) were inspected last week. Needless to say, these inspections are painless. It is all behind us and the inspections are gone for another time.
It’s time to mention angels. Angels are found … in the stars, sun, and moon; in the deep blue sea and the wide open plains; in puppies and ponies and kittens and birds; in rainbows and flowers; in soft kisses and comforting hugs. (Taken from one of my treasures).
Marion Donovan is a patient at Ross Manor, Broadway, Bangor, Maine 04401. She wanted me to let people know in case they wanted to correspond.
Sympathy is extended to the MacDonald family in the loss of Kathryn, wife, mother, aunt and all-around good person. Kathy was sick a fairly long time and was on the staf at F.A. Peabody Co. She will be greatly missed.
The gospel reading for the day is: “This is the day the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24)
Have a safe and good week.
Island Falls news
Bertha Pray and brother, Blaine, spent Memorial Day weekend in Brewer as guests of good friends there. While there they all enjoyed a cookout and the good weather, and no black flies.
On June 9, the Katahdin Club met at the home of Nora Willigar for a noon-time potluck luncheon with Gloria Willigar as co-hostess, Table grace was given by Verna MacArthur before the luncheon, which was served by the hostesses.
Following lunch, the business meeting was opened by president Laura Bomba and the secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and approved. A card was sent to Clara Hathaway at the Mountain Heights home in Patten who enjoys getting cards and who is also a member of the Katahdin Club. A lively silent auction was then held and a social hour greatly enjoyed by all. The meeting was then closed for the summer months and will resume in September.
Present at the meeting were Lee Brewer, Paige Coville, Gladys Ferguson, Mary Joy, Verna MacArthur, Mary Moore, Helena Porter, Leithea Porter, Pat Coolong, Michelle King, Edna Schmidt, Laura Bomba and Nora and Gloria Willigar.
I have finally put my hummingbird feeder in a new place to keep the squirrels from chewing it all up. Friend, John Stevens put a hook on my outside entry and so far, have seen the hummingbirds eating away in peace and quiet. In my other feeders still have the gold finch, nuthatches and an occasional chickadee enjoying the sunflower seeds. The yowling cat is still with me, greeting me with his special “yowl” most mornings. Still is somebody’s cat, I believe, as he isn’t there every morning. Had a red squirrel this a.m. eating in one feeder, but he doesn’t hand by his feet to get at them—just crawls in and helps himself.
TOPS #ME 0233, Houlton
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 0233 of Houlton, met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, June 11 meeting. Twenty-two ladies were weighed; five of these were KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly).
Joyce Estey was present to conduct the meeting. Elinor Harvey was the official greeter. Loser of the week was Aileen Smith with runner-up Gerry McAfee.
Barbara Hogan spoke on the new weight loss program and points to earn. Joyce read a letter from Janice Cote, our representative, pertaining to the workshop, Saturday, June 12 at Court Street Baptist Church.
Every Friday the chapter meets at the same time, 8-8:45 a.m. for weigh-in. The meeting starts at 9 a.m. and usually ends an hour later. If you need more information about the chapter, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483. Come and enjoy and take off weight; everyone is welcome.
Sherman Seniors stay busy
The Sherman Area Senior Citizens next meeting will be June 16th with Steve Farnham, speaking on Medicare and Health Care Reform. He will tell how those on Medicare are affected by this reform. We will meet at the Sherman Rec. Hall at 12:30 p.m.
On July 7th we will go to the Timber House Restaurant in Lincoln. We will leave from the Shell Station at 10:45 a.m.
We will hold a food sale on July 17th at the Bandstand in Sherman.
On July 21st we will be guests at Richard and Marge Hall’s camp on Perry Pond. Everyone bring a bag lunch.