Houlton Potato Feast Days draws crowd to Shiretown

14 years ago

This year’s 51st annual Potato Feast Days were a huge success, according to Lori Weston, executive director of the Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce.
“The weather was absolutely perfect for this end-of-summer event,” she said. “The Community Market, the Friends and Needles Quilt Show, and the Arts and Crafts Show in Monument Park were visited by hundreds of visitors and shoppers.”
On Friday evening, the chamber teamed up with the Houlton Parks and Recreation Department as they put on their second annual Touch a Truck event on Broadway Street.
“It wasn’t only the children who loved being able to climb up on the fire truck, Water Company truck, police vehicle and step onto the school bus for perhaps the very first time,” said Weston. “Many an adult was seen enjoying the experience, too.”
From there, girls and boys gathered for the annual Doll and Wagon Wrangler Parade that started at the chamber office and strolled throughout Market Square and back. Princesses, cowboys and kids with their favorite dolls or stuffed animals very proudly paraded them to enthusiastic onlookers, added Weston.
A 50 Cent Piece Coin Scramble was a thrilling time as lines of children waited their turn to search through shavings for the ever elusive coins. The Coin Scramble was sponsored by Chadwick Florist and Greenhouses, Maine Fire Preventions Services and Machias Savings Bank.      Saturday was a full day of activities beginning with the Community Market in Market Square, the Arts and Crafts Show in Monument Park and the Friends and Needles Quilt Show at the Houlton Lodge of Elks. Potato games and contests were held throughout the morning.
The Chamber produced a Potato Feast Day’s Cookbook this year that proved to be very popular. The cookbook contains recipes from past years participants in potato recipe contests. The cookbooks are available at the Chamber for $5.
Winners of the 51st annual Potato Feast Days games and contests were:
Mr. Potato Head Decorating Contest: first, James Meuse of Newton, N.H.; second, Stetson Nicholas of Mars Hill and third, Sarah Fitzpatrick of Scarborough.
Potato sack races: first group, first, Julie Ross and second, Hailey Hipsley; second group, first, Noah Batoosingh; second Ben Batoosingh and third, Katherine Wood; third group, first, Sarah Fitzpatrick.
Hot potato game: first, Ben Batoosingh; second, Emilee Shaw and third, Emmalyne Drake.
Potato Feast Road Rally: first, Team Gates, David, Lynn and Cody; second, Team Cleary, Mary Jane and Skip and third, Team Scott, Tennille and Mike Scott.
Potato salad winners: 1, Yvonne Blake; 2, Cindi Scott; and 3, Sandra Merritt.