In Spring, 2010‚ a group called Families for Education‚ a parent advocacy group‚ met in Houlton several times to discuss school and family issues pertaining to SAD 29. The group identified parent participation and interaction as a key focus area. The ASAP Coalition‚ a countywide substance abuse prevention coalition that has worked with various Houlton agencies over the past three years‚ and Link for Hope Coalition is partnering with SAD 29 parents and concerned citizens to develop a parent outreach initiative aimed at bolstering parent participation and interaction.
SAD 29 parents or concerned citizen are invited to attend a meeting to initiate work on this very important topic. The group will meet Wednesday, Sept. 1 from 6-7:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Parish Center. Childcare and refreshments will be provided.
For more information, call Clare Desrosiers at 521-2408 or