Community Notebook

14 years ago

Dyer Brook News
Toni Marie and Danny Gillotti of Hodgdon were weekend guests of their grandparents, Mrs. and Mrs. Tony Gillotti.
On Saturday evening, July 31, there was a good turnout for a benefit supper for Philip White at the Oakfield Community Center.
On Wednesday, Aug. 4, Mrs. Marie Gillotti, Miss Wannetta Townsend and Mrs. Hazel Bells attended Senior Citizens at the Smoki-Haulers Snow Club in Oakfield.
On Tuesday, Aug. 10, Mrs. Marie Gillotti, Mrs. Sandi Wyman and Miss Wannetta Townsend, along with other purple hat ladies society, held a potluck lunch at the rec. room at the housing in Oakfield.
Mrs. Myrna Sprague has been a surgical patient at the Houlton Regional Hospital.
Mrs. and Mrs. Charlie Slauenwhite were in Presque Isle on Monday, Aug. 23, where Mrs. Slauenwhite consulted a doctor.
On Saturday, Aug. 7, some ladies from town attended a shower for Chelsey Slauenwhite at the Snow Club in Oakfield.
There was a good turnout for Merrill’s Centennial Aug. 13 – 15.
On Wednesday, Aug. 18, Mrs. Marie Gillotti, Miss Wannetta Townsend and Mrs. Hazel Bells attended Senior Citizens at the Smoki-Haulers Snow Club in Oakfield.
Mrs. Celeste Perrin of Virginia Beach, Va. spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Crane. Noah returned home with her after spending time with his grandparents, the Cranes.
Sherman Seniors gather
The Sherman Senior Citizens club met Sept. 1 in the “air-conditioned” gym for our potluck lunch and lively games of Beano. Lucky us to be there, as the temperatures soared to the high 90’s outside.
Present were Mary Lawler, Eva Perry, Donna Grass, Linniea Perry, Esther Greenier, Fred and Annie Atkinson, Fred and Sylvia Lilley and Bonita Staples.
A food sale is scheduled to be held at Sherman’s bandstand on Sept. 11. Don’t miss it or those wonderful hotdogs to grace your lunch.
Mona Lynch will be our speaker, concerning senior citizens’ important subjects of interest, at our Sept. 15 meeting.
Plans are in place for a fall outing by van to Brewer’s Weathervane Restaurant on Oct. 11. Call Annie to make your reservation and please join us. Travel time will start at 9:30 a.m. from Kelley’s Shell at Sherman 95 location.

Molunkus Valley Sno-drifters
Molunkus Valley Sno-drifters, located at 58 North St. in Sherman, meets the first Saturday of the month at 5 p.m. for a potluck dinner. Guests don’t need to sled to be a member, as we include everyone. At 6 p.m., we hold our regular meeting. We are very family oriented club.
We groom 83 miles of trails, with great views of mountains and wildlife. You never know what you might see. We also hold monthly events such as club rides, picnics and a lot of other things we have a great time. Just because there is no snow does not mean we sit around. Believe me, we always have something going on and everyone is welcome to join us for a small yearly fee. You’ll be glad you did. For more info you can just show up at a meeting and check us out or call Deb at 267-1200.
Watch for our Christmas Parade coming Nov. 28 at 3 p.m. starting at the town office in Sherman. Everyone is always welcome to take part or enter a float. Check out our Facebook page or email We have a lot of events coming up for the new season, so keep an eye out hope to see you soon.