Saucier of Caribou finds future through Loring Job Corps

14 years ago

FS-Saucier-dcx-AR-39By Barbara Scott
Staff Writer

Daniel Saucier, of Caribou, a former student at the Loring Job Corps Center entered the site in January 2009 and completed his requirements in August of 2010. Saucier who received his GED in January of this year, accumulated a total 496 WBL hours, which included a six-week program working with the Maine Department of Transportation bridge department where he learned about constructing bridge components.

During his course of study he obtained his Maine driver’s license, earned an OSHA 10-hour Construction Safety and Health Card, completed green awareness training; and qualified for the 3M Respiratory Fit Test Card. He also completed 300 hours of community service as he assisted in placing and finishing concrete at various locations including the Caribou High School, OTC in Presque Isle; Mizpah in Grand Isle, the Caribou Recreation Department and the Loring Air Force Base Museum.

In less than 18 months of training, according to his instructors and LJC administrators, “This determined student achieved and succeeded in receiving his academic education and a vocational skill to be employable in today’s challenging job market.”

Saucier stated that through the training that LJC  had instilled upon him and with the assistance of his cement masonry instructor, David Tardie, he was able to obtain his current position with Soderberg Construction Company of Caribou.

He is the son of Michael Saucier of Caribou.

Fs-Saucier-dcx2-AR-39Contributed photo
Daniel Saucier of Caribou soared through the educational programs at Loring Job Corps Center and currently works for Soderberg Construction Company of Caribou.