phThe Aroostook County Grand Jury began its one year of service, meeting two days (9th and 10th), and handed up 66 indictments against 61 different persons, according to Neale Adams, District Attorney.
Among those indicted were:
Clayton W. Turner, 37, Presque Isle: domestic violence assault and violation of condition of release (two counts).
Adam D. Austin, 30, Presque Isle: unlawful possession of scheduled drugs (two counts), operating after suspension and violation of condition of release.
Mark S. Mullen, 25, Presque Isle: robbery.
Landon L. Larsen, 30, Presque Isle: operating after revocation and violation of condition of release.
Anthony M. Vangel, 20, Mars Hill: forgery, attempted acquiring drugs by deception and theft.
Daniel R. Sparks, 37, Houlton: burglary, theft and violation of condition of release.
Jorge R. Campos, 25, Raymondville, TX: attempted unlawful sexual contact, tampering with victim, assault and unlawful sexual touching.
Jesse E. Plummer, 30, Presque Isle: domestic violence assault (two counts) and criminal threatening.
Dustin D. Badger, 18, Fort Fairfield: burglary and theft.
Denver C. Wardwell, 18, Westfield: burglary and theft.
Jay D. Whitmore, 18, Ashland: burglary and theft.
Andrew King, 20, Presque Isle: burglary and theft.
James W. Shaw, 21, Mars Hill: theft.
Joshua R. Lee, 22, Presque Isle: domestic violence assault, domestic violence terrorizing and concealed weapon.
Jerry A. Swimm, 40, Houlton: domestic violence assault and violation of condition of release..
Edwin D. Weiland, 33, Presque Isle: theft and violation of conditions of release.
Travis J. White, 25, Washburn: receiving stolen property.
Nathan Brewer, 30, Chapman: unlawful possession of scheduled drugs and criminal operating under the influence.
Jason Z. Goodblood, 24, Presque Isle: domestic violence assault and violation of condition of release.
Shawn Ouellette, 40, So. Portland: criminal OUI and operating after suspension.
Pauline M. Sherwood, 56, Van Buren: domestic violence assault.
Randy Scott Lee, Jr., 30, Fort Fairfield: operating after revocation.
Kimberly D. Ouellette, 35, Madawaska: stealing drugs.
Thomas B. Kaiser, Jr., 20, Mapleton: assault, criminal OUI.
Lance Lee Cormier, 28, St. David: operating after revocation.
Luc J. Gagnon, 22, New Sweden: domestic violence assault and violation of conditions of release.
Daniel Bouchard, 44, Torrington, Conn.: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs and unlawful possession of scheduled drugs.
Philip E. Sprague, Jr., 46, Fort Fairfield: operating after revocation and failing to stop for officer.
Ty Rothlauf, 44, Woodland: criminal threatening, domestic violence assault, violation of condition of release and criminal mischief.
Rocky I. Hill, Jr., 35, Mars Hill: operating after revocation.
Michael A. Levesque, 31, Connor Twp.: aggravated forgery and violation of condition of release.
Justin Caron, 21, Ashland: unlawful possession of scheduled drugs.
Michael C. Hoague, 24, Van Buren: operating after revocation, criminal OUI and refusing to submit to arrest.
Alexander Merced, 35, Madawaska: criminal threatening, disorderly conduct and criminal mischief.
Kathy M. York, 43, Caribou: operating after revocation.
Christian Sorenson, 48, Caribou: unlawful sexual contact, assault and violation of condition of release.
Chad F. Brescia, 34, Caribou: assault (two counts) and endangering welfare of a child.
Kenneth L. Adams, 52, Caribou: tampering with witness and domestic violence assault.
Eric O’Connor, 26, Washburn: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs.
Daniel Deprey, 27, St. Agatha: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs (two counts).
Myles Gonzalez, 23, Fort Kent: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs (two counts).
Leslie J. Smith, Jr., 23, Caribou: aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs and criminal forfeiture (two counts).
Richard A. Norton, Jr., 56, Linneus: domestic violence assault and obstructing the report of crime.
Colleen C. Hoxie, 32, Houlton: theft and violation of condition of release.
Timothy W. Devoe, 48, Houlton: possession of scheduled drugs.
Shirley E. Faulkner, 47, Houlton: burglary and possession of scheduled drugs (two counts).
Ryan R. Nason, 21, Houlton: theft.
Milo Clifton White, 55, Weston: OUI, operating after revocation and unauthorized use of property.
Michael Armstrong, 23, Brookton: gross sexual assault, violation of condition of release and endangering the welfare of a child.
Adam Maguire, 25, Houlton: possession of scheduled drugs and violation of condition of release.
Crystal C. Fitzpatrick, 34, Houlton: theft.
Bradley M. Kienia, 51, Lebanon: burglary, theft and criminal mischief.
Robert J. Russell, 19, Island Falls: burglary, theft, burglary of motor vehicle and theft of firearm and property.
William E. Campbell, 23, Island Falls: theft of firearm and property and burglary of motor vehicle.
Jack R. Doughty, 26, Island Falls: theft of firearm and property, burglary of motor vehicle and operating after suspension.
Lee John Wood, 39, Oakfield: unlawful sexual contact and allowing a minor to possess or consume liquor.
Richard L. Carmichael, 27, Houlton: aggravated criminal trespass, domestic violence assault and criminal mischief.
Nathan L. Murphy, 35, Merrill: burglary and theft.
Daniel M. Pasquarelli, 48, Houlton: trafficking in dangerous knives and possession of schedule drugs.
Robert M. Strout, Sr., 63, Orient: hindering apprehension or prosecution and arson.