Alexander Willette measures up
To the editor:
Alexander Willette. Voters, remember this name. Remember it because this man will be the best representative that District 7 could ever hope for. Having been associated with him for the past two years on both a business and personal level, I have had the chance to take measure of Mr. Willette. And measure up he does.
Mr. Willette is one of the most serious, grounded and knowledgeable young men that I have ever had the chance to work with. He is mature far beyond his years. He’s not afraid of hard work, he has an excellent understanding of what he will face in Augusta, and most of all, he will work for his voters. Not for big money, not for political pundits and not for special interests. Mr. Alex Willette will work for you and I, the taxpayers who will send him to Augusta this November to work for us.
Big Bear Real Estate Company