LePage doesn’t speak well for state
To the editor:
In regard to a recent quote from Paul LePage, “If elected, headlines would read, ‘Governor LePage tells Obama to go to hell.’” What right does Paul LePage have to be so utterly disrespectful to the man (President Obama) that we as a nation chose by vote? He continues to do things to disgrace our loving state.
Yes we need reform, yes we need change … do we need disrespect and ignorance in the process? No, we can do things in a grown up fashion, in an informative and adult fashion. It beats me why a candidate for public office (Paul LePage) thinks he has the right to stand up and be the annoying neighbor from next door that we all try to ignore but can’t because they’re up in our face. I mean, really, do we want this guy because we like him now for his blatancy? Or will we look to the future and realize that what’s “cool” now may not be so cool several months/years down the line? He may be new and exciting now, but you just wait, that new will wear off and we’ll be dying to trade him in like a used car.
The candidate we should choose to represent our beautiful yet financially struggling state, should be the candidate with the best track record, the best background, the best public tone, and the one that can show the proper respect for his fellow Americans. The smart folks will vote for the candidate that is respectful and representative in a decent manner, not this buffoon!
Presque Isle