Local nursing home among state’s best

14 years ago

Local nursing home

among state’s best

To the editor:
    When I read in the Bangor Daily News last week about the nursing home in southern Maine that found the maggots on one of their residents, I was horrified. We are so blessed to have one of the best nursing homes in the state right here in our own backyard. 

    The staff at the Presque Isle Nursing Home are the most dedicated, caring group of people that I have ever seen. Whether you are in administration or a nurse’s aide, every patient is treated as a member of a big family. Thank you all for treating our Mom with dignity and for all of the care that you give to her every day.
    Kudos, Presque Isle Nursing Home. You are Number 1 in our hearts!

Molly Curran
Sally Longmoore
Betty Myers