Youth groups taking part
in Pampered Chef fundraiser
by Jennifer Buzza
The youth from the Mapleton and Washburn Methodist Churches are taking part in a fundraiser with Pampered Chef to benefit their trip to Youth 2011. Anyone interested in placing an order can contact Torry Eaton at 764-3762 before Oct. 12.
Birthday wishes this week go out to Matt Chasse, Bernice Greenlaw, Paul Grendell, Kellsey Michaud, Murrey Boyles, Tony Dumais, Joe Vigue, Annette Roope, Travis Hewitt, Ben LeBlanc, Charles Putnam III, Liza Doyen, Boyd McPherson, Grenda Stephenson, Karlee Bernier, Laurie Kelley, Lucas Bard, Dick Tompkins, Dot Rafford, John Greenier, Katelyn Amero, Jeramy Buck, Emma Langille, Jeanese McPherson and Vicki Murchison.
Happy anniversary wishes this week to Marty and Denise Turner on Oct. 10.
The youth at the Mapleton Methodist Church planning to attend Youth 2011 will be sponsoring a baked bean supper (with all the fixings) Saturday, Oct. 23 beginning at 5 p.m. at the Mapleton United Methodist Church. The cost will be $5 per person.
There will be a contemporary church service at the Mapleton United Methodist Church Sunday, Oct. 10 at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
The Mapleton Lions Hall will be open for anyone interested in walking daily from 9-10 a.m.
If any teacher would like to bring their class to the Museum for a field trip, they are encouraged to call President Diane Pratt at 764-6085 or Secretary Myrna Gardner at 764-0290 to make arrangements.
The Haystack Historical Society is always looking for new members. If you are interested in becoming a member, please consider attending their next meeting Monday, Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. at the Museum.

They successfully made it to the summit of Mount Katahdin Sept. 18. Pictured here are, front row, from left: Aaron Swanson, Kyle Rider, Brett Starr, Richard “Bud” Hoffses and Ron Shaw. Back row: Alden Swanson, Jacob Adams (hidden), Steve Farnham, Joey Theriault (over sign), Lewis Amero, James Churchill and Mike Amero.
Most of you are familiar with the annual Girl Scout cookie sale that takes place in January, but did you know that Girl Scouts also participate in a fall fundraiser? For the next few weeks, area Girl Scouts will be taking orders for nuts, candy, and magazine subscriptions. Not only do the troops that participate earn money for each item sold, but the girls also have an opportunity to earn patches and incentive prizes. If a Girl Scout approaches you to place an order, please consider supporting your local troops!

They recently welcomed two special guests to their meeting. As part of their “Caring and Sharing” Try-It, the girls made friendship scrapbooks with the help of Linda Sheldon, Creative Memories independent consultant, and her granddaughter, Courtney. The girls included miniature replicas of each troop member in their paper bag scrapbooks. Each had the opportunity to personalize their books in their own creative way using stickers, rub ons, tags and punches! Showing off their scrapbooks are, from left, front row: Alexus LaFerriere, Bethany Baker, Delaney Alward and Jenna Mountain. Back row: Linda Sheldon, Rebecca Rider, Madelyn Buzza, Sydney Robichaud, Amanda Winslow, Katelyn Amero and Courtney Sheldon. Absent when the photo was taken was troop member Alexis Getchell. The troop would like to publicly thank “Miss Linda” and “Miss Courtney” for sharing their materials, time and talents with the girls!
The United Methodist Church will be hosting its weekly luncheon Friday, Oct. 9 at 11:30 a.m. There is no charge for the luncheon, but donations are accepted. All are welcome to attend.

Of the West Chapman Advent Christian Church used his talents to build a storage bench that was recently raffled off. The proceeds from the raffle will be used toward the purchase of new audio and video equipment. Tickets were sold throughout the summer and the lucky winner was Vicky Ouellette Murchison of Castle Hill.
Jennifer Buzza is the correspondent for Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman. She can be reached at 760-9115, or by e-mail at