To the editor:
I was present for the Houlton candidates for the town council forum on Wednesday night, Oct. 20, 2010. It was evident to me that Philip Bernaiche is the best candidate for the Houlton town council. His dedication to our town and to its citizens has been well proven with his real experiences.
I have known Philip Bernaiche for about 11 years. In 1999, my first run for office, he talked to me about the town and its problems. He asked me what I would do to fix it. We have been friends ever since. Philip Bernaiche has proven that he is dedicated by being in the public life since the mid ‘70s asking why, when others couldn’t or wouldn’t even consider asking why.
I believe that this year is no time to elect anyone with little-to-no experience. It is time to elect someone with a level head, common sense, maturity and the experience it will take to put Houlton back on track. A vote for Philip Bernaiche is a big plus for Houlton, its citizens and the future of our children.
Carl Lord Jr.