New Boy Scout Troop
A new Boy Scout Troop has been created in the area. Boy Scout Troop #155 is meeting the second and fourth Mondays of each month at Cary Baptist Church. Meetings are from 6-7:30 p.m.
Carpentry is the merit badge of choice for many boys. Other love a good cobbler from the dutch oven, ask any of them and they’ll give you the recipe. Geocaching, Orienteering, Camping, Hiking and Shooting Sports are just a few of the merit badges they can work on.
Not the least of all, the boys are learning citizenship, leadership, responsibility and the art of doing a good turn. If you are interested in joining or just seeing what’s going on, come on out. For more information contact Darcy Tidd at 532-2302 or Melony Lowery at 694-0238.
Fall Fun Festival
Cub Scout Pack #155 held its first Fall Fun Festival on Oct. 18, thanks to the efforts of many volunteers. The kids enjoyed decorating pumpkins with different foods and other natural decorations. Many games were available both inside and out.
Most everyone was brave enough to stick their hands into the mystery boxes containing brains, hearts, intestines and other gooey parts.
Hot chocolate, cupcakes, and other snacks ended a wonderful evening for the kids. If you would like to come out and see what else we’re up to, we meet at Cary Baptist Church on Tuesdays at 6 p.m.
For more information, contact Melony Lowery at 694-0238 or Darcy Tidd at 532-2302.