Community Notebook

14 years ago

Houlton Council of Catholic Women
by Lois Downing

Houlton Council of Catholic Women met in the parish center on Monday, May 7. Previous to the meeting, all the ladies met in the chapel to recite the Holy Rosary, led by Lynette Dobbs. Seventeen members, Deacon Albert Burleigh and guest Pat Royal attended the meeting.
    Co-president Mary Grant led the meeting, with traditional prayers and hymn. Reports were given by Jane Stile, recording secretary, and Bernette Roach, treasurer. Lois Downing, corresponding secretary, read thank you notes.
Mary Grant will be purchasing chafing dishes when the time is ready for her. No members attended the state meeting in Skowhegan April 30 as planned, because of other commitments and illness. Our annual banquet will be in the parish center on June 6 at 6 p.m., catered by Cathy Bither. A sign-up sheet was distributed for those who planned to attend. Others will make reservations to Betty Ann Childers by May 20.
Jane Stile, chairman of the nominating committee consisting of Alta Reardon and Jane Mitchell, presented the following slate of officers for the next seasons: co-presidents, Janet Barker and Mary Armour; vice president, Jane Mitchell; recording secretary, Jane Stile; treasurer, Mary Grant. Lois Downing will continue as corresponding secretary and publicity and Alta Reardon as historian. Installation will take place at the June banquet.
Janet spoke on First Holy Communion and Confirmation taking place May 21 at 1 o’clock. HCCW will provide food and flowers for the reception.
We donated a sum of money for a graduating senior in need of graduation money incurring from graduation expenses.
Margaret Casey reminded the ladies of the Red Ribbon dinner, dance and auction. Again we donated money for this event, as it is for HIV/AIDS victims, whose medical and financial services have diminished due to significant cutbacks.
The Youth Ministry sponsored the Mother’s Day breakfast at St. Mary’s on Mother’s Day, May 8. Ladies were reminded of a list of items needed for this breakfast, if it is possible for them to donate.
Birthdays and anniversaries were acknowledged. Alta Reardon won the door prize (it was her birthday and anniversary wedding month). Gifts are needed for this project; if you have any, please make sure you pass them on to the treasurer.
Deacon Al led us in a blessing before our meal. Many thanks were extended to the May committee for preparing the lunch and furnishing the decorations.
Pat Royal gave a heartfelt presentation about Our Lady of Grace, and garden statue, also the rosebush that flourished during the harsh winter weather. She showed many pictures of the statue and roses and some from the camera. Very interesting program.
Our next gathering will be the banquet. Members who have not made a reservation,, are asked to please do so for a head count.

Dyer Brook News
On Wednesday, March 26, Mrs Marie Gillotti and Miss Wannetta Townsend attended Senior Citizens at the Smoki Hauler Snowmobile Club in Oakfield.
On Saturday, April 2, there was a good turnout for a surprise 40th Anniversary Party for Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Splan at the Big Valley Snowmobile Club in Island Falls.
On Wednesday, April 6, Mrs. Marie Gillotti, Miss Wannetta Townsend, Mrs. Sandi Wyman, and Mrs. Sis McLaughlin attended Senior Citizens at the Smoki Hauler Snowmobile Club in Oakfield.
On Tuesday, April 12, Mrs. Sandi Wyman, Mrs Charlotte Durr, Mrs. Marie Gillotti, and Miss Wannetta Townsend, along with the Purple Red Hat Ladies Society, had lunch at the Smoki Hauler Snowmobile Club in Oakfield.
On April 15, there was a good turnout for a Benefit Supper for Dale Hosford at the Oakfield Community Center.
On Wednesday, April 20, Mrs. Marie Gillotti and Miss Wannetta Townsend attended Senior Citizens at the Smoke Hauler Snowmobile Club.
Mrs. Carolee Slauenwhite is spending some time with her brother, Kevin Hersey in Johnsonville, North Carolina.
On Saturday, April 30, there was a good turnout for a Spaghetti Supper for the fifth-grade trip to Boston at the Oakfield Community Center.
On Wednesday, May 4, Mrs. Marie Gillotti and Miss Wannetta Townsend attended Senior Citizens at the Smoki Hauler Snowmobile Club in Oakfield.

Island Falls Happenings
On May 1,the Aroostook Association of The United Church of Christ held its spring meeting at the Washburn Memorial Congregational Church in Sherman, with worship led by Pastor Dan Proulx. Attending the meeting from the Whittier Congregational Church in Island Falls were John and Shelly Stevens, Riva Hawkes and Candy McKellar and Pastor Amanda Wagner. Other groups attending were from Presque Isle, Fort Fairfield, Fort Kent and Millinocket.
Candy McKellar, moderator, opened the meeting, business was discussed  with a program following. At the close of the meeting a very nice supper was served to the groups by the ladies of the Washburn Church and much fellowship was enjoyed.
Charlene Webb had the misfortune to fall the day she was leaving to spend Easter in Bangor with her niece and family. Nevertheless, she made it down and while there consulted with her doctor for her injured leg. There were no broken bones, just a badly bruised leg. She is now at home recuperating and husband, Clayton is doing the cooking and household tasks under the firm direction of his wife, and doing a fine job of it all.
Sheila More has returned home after spending two and one half weeks in Orlando, Fla., with her son and his family. They all had a marvelous time, especially at Disneyworld, and just lying around soaking up the sun. Sheila came home with a tan and a few more freckles.
I have a new bird feeder now that the squirrels can’t get at and it’s fun to watch them as they diligently try to get at the seeds. The gold finch, nuthatches, red poles, wrens and chickadees are having  a ball — they really like the new feeder. Today, I saw the bluejays trying their hand at getting some bird seeds, but they flew away hungry, I’m afraid. And one day last week I was looking out my kitchen window and there was a fat baby groundhog running toward the birch tree on the lawn. He got as far as the end of the driveway and after looking all around, decided he was too far from home and scooted quickly back to his hideaway beneath my front steps. I have not had any deer show up for some time, but keep looking for them anyway. Still have some old bread for them, and some apples, in case they arrive.

Patten Seniors meet
Patten Senior Citizens held their regular meeting on May 3 at Meadowbrook Manor with 11 members present.
The Lord’s Prayer was recited in unison before the potluck meal.
The business meeting was opened by President Annette Noyes, who also led the flag salute.
Secretary and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted.
A get-well card was signed and sent to Janet Desmond and sympathy cards were sent to the Frances Porter and Herschel Cole families.
Jackie Palmer gave a reading “A Bouquet for Mom” and Maxine Brackett’s reading was titled “Waste Not – Want Not.”
Light refreshments will be on the agenda for the next meeting on May 17 and the birthday cake will be made by Jackie Palmer.
After the meeting adjourned, the Game was played.
Members present were Nettie Shorey, Annette Noyes, Gloria Noyes, Mary Lawler, Jackie Palmer, Joyce Harvey, Rubenia Botting, Maxine Brackett, Marge Heath, Marilyn Somers and Mary Cox.

Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing
Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers and guardians. It’s a little late but better late than never!
Kathryn Hall of Bangor spent Mother’s Day weekend with her daughter, Lois Downing.
Peggy Robinson is home after many weeks in Florida visiting her son Eric and his wife. She had a great vacation. We missed you, Peggy.
Pauline Botting is our newest tenant here at Ricker Plaza. We hope you have many years of contentment here with good health and love.
Charlene Henderson, our liaison, has been in Portland on business this week. She’s back now. Jeff Thibodeau of Portland was here in the office for a short time.
Many of the ladies attended on Friday, May 6, at the Oakfield Community Center in Oakfield the Aroostook RSVP’s 36th annual volunteer appreciation luncheon. Many of us went home with prizes or gifts and we all had a good time.
Paul and Jeanie Armstrong are home from their trip to Arizona. Glad they are back safe and sound once again.
Is the rain behind us finally?
Hilda Hughes of Houlton has been visiting her daughter in Massachusetts for a few days. She’s home now.
Angels awaken your mind to possibilities — on earth, in heaven, and in yourself. If ever you feel your arms are too short to reach for the heavens, for there will always be an angel reaching out to meet your halfway.
Have a nice week, healthy and joyful.

Sherman Seniors gather
The Sherman Senior Citizens Club met on Wednesday, May 4, for a potluck lunch at 11 a.m., followed by several games of Bingo, adjourning at 2 p.m.
It was voted to take our summer outing on July 6, to the Brookside Restaurant in Smyrna, driving our own cars.
Prepare for a food sale to be held at Sherman’s bandstand on May 21, featuring Sherman’s famous hotdogs and the many selections of homemade varieties of baked goods.
Present were Annie and Fred Atkinson, Sandra and Paul Qualey, Linniea Perry, Eva Perry, Donna Grass, Mary Lawler, Bonita Staples and Terese Brenan, who has returned from her winter vacation in Florida. Welcome home!
Our next meeting will be on May 18.